→Chapter 26 // searching for answers

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"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
// Marilyn Monroe

Cole Chance


"No, I'm not allowing this." I growled stepping in front of Alex's small frame. However she growled at me then quickly slapped me
before trudging her way
to her new mate.

I definitely deserved this.

She wrapped her arms around him, leaning her head against his chest

I missed her touch, I missed her in general .
I'd kill to have her arms around me again.

"Please don't break my heart." I hear her whisper into his chest as he wrapped his strong arms around me making her smile

I feel my heart breaks more; if that's even possible. Just seeing her with him makes me want to rip his head off .

I'f Alexis wasn't standing there
I'd totally kill Tristan. No doubt about it.

"Trust me I won't." Tristan chuckled softly looking at her with love in his brown eyes,

"Thanks for fucking up Cole."

I growled at him about to open my mouth to speak but Alexis let go of Tristan
and turned to me

"I'll save you some time: it's too late.
Don't you want me to be happy? I want you to be happy, that's why I didn't kill Rebecca.I could obviously tell you weren't happy with me.I want you to treat me the same. "

I stood in front of them silently, my large tan hands were clenched into tight fists,

"I'm only happy with you." I claimed making her beautiful face turn cold in a second: a scowl replaced the small smile.

"Bullshit. Let's go Tristan." She whisper grabbing his ebony hand walking out of my office slamming the white door shut

I winced as the door slammed shut,
"Come back."

"Alex come back please." I whispered thinking if I continued to ask her she'll come back into my arms as if nothing happened

"Fuck!" I roared throwing one of the office chairs into the grey painted wall , watching it break into many pieces around me.

I run my hands through my onyx
black locks in frustration and anger. I shake my head quickly breathing in
and out quickly,

"How could I be so stupid!" I scream kicking the wall leaving a decent sized hole hoping it'll help me calm down; but only she could .

It felt like I was suffocating, my heart started to break again just remembering her.

I still remember every detail of her,
like it was on the back of my hand:

Her natural thick chocolate curls that always reminded me of a lions mane. She was always get angry when someone would ask to touch her hair unless it was me;

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