→ Chapter 40//new life

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""Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the
limo breaks down."
//Oprah Winfrey

Alexis Anderson

"Drive faster! Do you want me to give birth in your precious car?!"

Cole quickly turned his head to look at me, "We are almost there--"

Cole was cut off by the sounds of the police sirens making him curse loudly. He turned to the side of the road, he squeezed my hand tightly reassuring me.

A short man in a police uniform gets out of the car. He walked up to Cole's window which he rolled down, "Do you know why I pulled you over today sir?" He asked looking down at his paper writing the ticket

"My wife is going into labor aka your Luna!" He growled gripping the wheel in his left hand which made his knuckles turn white

The office snapped his head up quickly and was shocked to see it was us. "I'm so sorry--
just go congratulations."

Cole didn't need to be told twice, he raced out of there and down the empty road on the way to the hospital. We got there in 2 minutes, we pulled up to the hospital entrance. We already called the hospital so they know we were coming: they were waiting there with a wheelchair ready for me.

Cole jumped out of the car and ran to the other side and opened the door for me, helping me out and sit in the wheelchair

"Alpha you can't have your car parked there." A nurse informed him but he just
glared at her

"Well that sucks doesn't it." He pushed at the innocent lady before pushing another nurse out of the way so he could push me

I hissed in pain as I felt another strong contraction rake through my body, Cole kissed the top of my head pushing me through the crowd of pack members who smiled at me excited about the baby

Once we made it to the room, the many nurses and doctors made me change into the hospital gown and started to connect many machines to me: all I could concentrate was on the pain searing through my body

"Where's my epidural!" I cried gripping the roots of my hair as Cole rubbed my back trying to calm me down

"Luna he's getting it ready." The doctors informed me calmly while writing on a clipboard and checking the machines

"Tell him to hurry the fuck up!" I screamed at her totally not caring anymore

"Luna he's trying--"

Cole cut her off. He stood up from the hospital chair and starting to clench his tattooed fist, "You heard her! Tell him to get here
faster right now! "

She quickly nodded and disappeared out of the room scared out of her mind, "Wow we both are crazy." I noticed leaning back trying to catch my breathe then another
contraction hits

He brushed the hair that was sticking to my forehead away and kissing my sticky forehead, "You look like a mess."

I glared at him, "And you look like sex on legs, which isn't fair."

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