In Beverly Hills California lived a famous gamer girl named Spencer DS. All she did was play video games on her PlayStation 4. But one day while playing Call of Duty Black ops III and talking in her mic and strange voice came up. Spencer said "Hello is anybody there". The voice said "Hi my name is HEXX we should play a game together and meet up sometime". But the thing is that Spencer's parents always said "Watch out on PSN Spence there are hackers and wackos on there". But Spencer always ignored them. So she talked to HEXX anyway. They talked and talked and talked for hours and became friends. But a week later HEXX wasn't online Spencer was wondering what was going on with him.....HEXX was hacking Spencer's account, while hacking he said "Oooo I can't wait to get all of this girl's info and make her life a living nightmare". As he finished Spencer was playing video games as usual then a message popped up it said "You are being hacked by HEXX". Spencer screamed " NOOO HE'S TAKING MY PERSONAL INFORMATION". HEXX was laughing
Evilly and saw all of that info. A month later he took a plane to Beverly Hills California and went to Spencer's address. While Spencer was playing video games she heard a knock she was afraid that it was HEXX so she opened the door with a gun in her hand. But HEXX grabbed Spencer's neck a massive fight was happened. HEXX started to rape Spencer but Spencer didn't let that happened she punched HEXX in the nose. And ran she found a knife and stabbed HEXX killing him then Spencer called the 911... HEXX was dead Spencer moved to Atlanta Georgia.... Got a new PlayStation 4, address, New phone number, and A new PSN account. Life was good for her.Note: Never talk to strangers
Or mess around with hackers...