Another Night! ❤

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It's just another night.
With a glimpse of all darkness.
The moon is set along with stars.
It's just the way it shines,
That makes fear trush turbines.
And just a sight taken too.
Am heading up.
Where the sky is staring at me.
Some say it's darken. Some say faded.
It's just another night.
With the same dreams falling.!

There's an hollowness beneath.!
Where souls meet heart fleets,
It's still dark in there,
That's what mind did say.
That's where the hatred lies,
That's where envy cries.
There isn't a shine,
Cause there won't be any other divine.
It was just a criteria,
Which soon began as raged dilemma!

That night had seen faces with watery eyes.
That night had gazed on souls with all her might.
That night had faced the death with her love besides.
That night had heard screams with all of inchantous.
That night had a lustrous moon, and infantry stars.
That night was all were it had began with.
This wasn't a battle, it was ragement,
It was the avengeful revenge!
That night was just another night.

There was darkness,
A dark heart indeed, a dark hope of faith! Lovers never chanted.
The wise had denied.
The old had got a look of emphasized.
The night wasn't dark,
The faces hidden were.!
Questions tagged!
Answers lacked.
The reason for this demise.?
The reason, were it all began?

This was fondle,
Of having shattered dreams,
Having shattered lives.!
Having shattered hopes.!
Having shattered peace.!
It wasn't a night,
It was just another dreadful delight, It was just another night,
With reality turned up in everyone's sights!

.  - damselin❤
.  - Akshansh Pandey.

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