Chapter 3

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(your pov)

Daryl starts the engine and we drive away from the gas station, about five minutes later Daryl asks, "so um why do you have so many kids, aren't you a bit young for kids, by the way how old are you?" I start laughing and pretend to wipe away a fake tear "They aren't my kids, they're my siblings and I just turned 13 a couple weeks ago" I say still chuckling.

Daryl scratches the back of head, "oops sorry for the mistake, how old are they?" he asks, I sigh, "Lyric just turned 1, Isaac is 3, Mathew is 5 and Lucy is 7" I say pointing to each one of them, Daryl nodds, "Are we almost there yet?" Lucy asks, "um ya in about two minutes" Daryl tells Lucy

Two minutes later we arive at a two story blue house, "we're here" Daryl says jumping out the R.V and starts walking towards his house. I get the stroller with four seats and buckle Lyric, Isaac, Mathew and Lucy and push them to the house.

"So where are le weapons" I say in an acent. Daryl chuckles
"They're in the secret room" he says leading us to a wall in the back of the house and putting a code in. The wall slid open an reavealed tons of weapons and supplies packed in large bags, "grab the bags and lets go" Daryl says and starts to carry the bags out while I get the remaining bags and start walking to the R.V.

Lucy helps me buckle Mathew while I buckle Lyric and Isaac in. Suddenly we hear a groan and rustling from the woods. I shut the door and grab my pocket knife while Daryl grabs a crossbow? Where he get that from? I think.

The rustling gets louder and more groans are heard, "here use this instead" Daryl says handing me a katana this katana is awesome I think. Two people stumble out the woods. But they're dead!? Both of their jaws are missing and they're skin is falling off and showing moldy bones while they're eyes are popped out. One of them has their guts spilling out.

I shake my head getting out of my shocked daze and run towards one and slice its head of and stab it in the head while Daryl shoots an arrow at the other ones head. We run back towards the R.V and Daryl starts the engine and drives us away while I try to calm the kids down.

"You guys did not see that" I say to Lucy and Mathew and they just stare shocked. I sigh and hand them both a bag of oreos, "Um so where we going now" I ask Daryl, he just shrugs.

"There is this town thats abandoned called Tasukete, we could stay there. There's no cemetery near it and its pretty secluded from people. We can camp there and build a wall to protect ourselves and train those two how to defend themselves" Daryl says pointing towards Lucy and Mathew. "That's an awesome plan dude" I say to Daryl. Tasukete here we come

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