Ch 8

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"Well y/n your siblings are somewhere.." Daryl trailed off. Y/N looked at him with anger and sadness but mostly anger, "what did you say?!"
"Okay look, I couldn't protect them. They went missing, but I know their alive!" Daryl shouts. "HOW DO YOU KNOW! ITS BEEN THREE YEARS! THREE BLOODY YEARS DARYL! I TRUSTED YOU! F YOU!" Y/N shouted at Daryl and lunged at him, dagger in hand.

Rick grabbed Y/N. "Stop let me go!" Y/N shouted and bit Rick's hand, letting her go. She fell to the ground and ran at Daryl, when Carl grabbed her. "I SAID LET ME GO!" She growled out. Carl shook his head and Daryl helped him take her up to her room, even if she kept kicking and scratching and biting. They set her down, ran out and lock the door from the outside. "LET ME OUT!" She shouted banging on the door. She stopped and heard as footsteps disappeared.

Y/N growled and began punching the wall in anger, till her knuckles bled and the wall had a hole. She fell to the ground and curled up, ignoring the pain in her hands. She began to sob. "Lucy, Lyric, Matt and Isaac, I'm sorry!" She whispered. She knew they were alive and held onto that hope, "I'll find you guys soon!" She whispered.

She began to tremble as she opened the backpack she brought with her. She pulled out wrappings and wrapped her hands up. She sat in the corner and sobbed. Crying will do no good, I need to find them, just not yet, I'm to unstable you should stay here for a while till your stable ya I am, first time your nice.... Y/N looked up and wiped the tears, "crying will do no good!" She said. She looked at her hands and sighed. Pulling up her bandana and pulling on her black hoodie she picked the lock and snuck downstairs.

Her stomach growled and her head still pounded. She sighed and snuck into the kitchen, looking through cabinets and found a plastic jar full of melted chocolate. "Hungry?" Asked a voice behind her. She turned around quickly, hiding the plastic jar behind her back. She realized the person was Carl and sighed. "What's that behind ya back?" Carl asked. "N-nothing," she whispered and placed the plastic jar on the counter, sighing. "Sorry I'll go back upstairs," she whispered and was about to walk away. "No it's okay. You should eat, your kinda thin. When was the last time you ate real food?" Carl asked. "Um last week, I ran out of supplies a while ago.." She whispered softly. Carl nodded, not really fazed. "Well that is chocolate pudding," Carl said pointing at the melted chocolate. "What?" Y/n asked, not remembering if she had it before or not. The named sounded familiar though.

"Uh never mind just try it," Carl said, taking out a spoon and handing it to y/n. Y/n nodded and pulled the lid off, scooping a bit and tried it. Y/N smiled, "thanks, it taste yummy!" She said. Carl smiled, "I know." Y/N finished the pudding and threw it away. "My dad sent me to go get you. We're having a dinner tonight, he wanted you to come," Carl said. Y/N nodded.

Carl looked at Y/N hands and frowned, "I don't remember your hands being wrapped?" Carl asked. "I punched a whole in the wall," she replied. Great acting?! Dummy! Shut up I'm trying, you don't know how much I wanna break his legs right now! Y/n argued in her head. "You punched a whole in the wall!" Carl asked. Y/n nodded. "Y/nnnnnnnnn!" Carl said annoyed. "Caaaarrllllllll!" Y/n replied in the same tone. "I guess it's not that bad," Carl said sighing, y/n just grinned. "Whatever we have to go," Carl said grabbing her wrist and taking y/n outside. 

Y/n was surprised at how she hadn't noticed it was almost night. The sky filled with pink, orange, purple and light blue as the sun set. "So why'd you bite my hand?" Carl asked. Y/n shrugged, "defense?" She said. Carl nodded, "okay than why did you freak out when you heard me and Ron talking?" Carl asked.

Y/N went quiet for a couple of seconds, thinking whether or not she should tell Carl the truth. "I panicked? I guess I wasn't used to hearing a voice for a long time," y/n said shrugging and continued walking alongside Carl. "How long have you been alone?" Carl asked. Y/N growled a bit, "three years!" Carl nodded and was about to asked another question, "Hey Carl, why do you ask so many questions?" Y/n asked in an annoyed voice. Carl shrugged, "we're here," he said as they walked up to a house.

Carl opened the door and the two walked in. Y/n heart quickened as she saw how many humans were in the same room. Her breathing fastened as her heart thumped. Every noise sounded tens times louder. Her ears ringed as a million thoughts raced her head. "Everything',"
She whispered as she held her head. She wanted to scream, and kick and punch but she couldn't, she knew she couldn't, she needed to leave. You didn't think this through SHUT UP "Um y/n are you okay?" Carl asked as he noticed her quickened breaths. Y/n nodded, "Can we....go somewhere......quieter?" She whispered as her head throbbed.

Carl nodded confused and took Y/n outside. Y/n heart slowed as the cool air rushed at her face. "1..2 3 4.....5..6.7.8..9..10.."  Y/n counted silently. Carl stared confused, "um why are you counting?" He asked. Y/n shrugged. "Wanna go back in again?" Carl asked. Y/n nodded, trembling a bit. "Hold on, do you have any mental disorders?" Carl asked. "What's it to ya?" Y/n growled. "I just wanted to know," Carl said putting his hands up in surrender. "I don't know if I can trust you?" Y/n said. "Of course you can trust me!" Carl said, frowning. "If I tell you, than your gonna have to tell me something to," y/n said.

Her breathing was back to normal and her head stopped pounding . Carl nodded. "Well I start to panic with large groups of people or just one stranger, I had depression and anxiety before this all started. Um I talk to the voices in my head and have an active imagination, ya that's all I'm telling you," y/n said bluntly. Carl nodded, "well my moms dead and apparently I can't stay in the fudging house like people tell me to," Carl said smiling slightly. Y/n smiled, laughing silently at the house thing. "Sorry for your loss," y/n said, her plain emotionless face back. "It's ok," Carl said as he shrugged a bit. "Wanna go inside now?" Carl asked. Y/n nodded and followed Carl into the house.

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