Ch 14

588 26 11

(Don't play song yet, well you can if you want, it's your life but there's a certain part where you should play the song but again ya life 😄)

"Carl! Y/n! You two are going on a run!" Rick shouted from downstairs. Carl walked downstairs, glaring at his father.

"Where's y/n?" Carl held five fingers up than began counting down, "five...four...three...two...One," At one, a loud thump was heard and a string of curse words. "You woke the beast," Carl sleepily said than walked to the kitchen to eat some crackers.

A couple seconds later, y/n came downstairs in a hoodie and sweatpants. She flipped Rick off than went to the kitchen where she stole Carl's crackers. "My crackers..." Carl wimpered. Y/n sighed than shoved the crackers back to Carl.


"Walker," Y/n whispered to Carl. Carl nodded and killed the walker walking down the isle. Carl retreated back to the corner where him and y/n huddled I'm, trying not to make as much noise.

"Wow, Carl we really fucked up now," Y/n whispered. Carl nodded and the two listened to the sounds of the walkers surrounding the small convenient store.

"Y/n look!" Carl shouted to y/n, pointing to the 7/11 store, "maybe there's food in there?" Y/n rolled her eyes and shook her head in disapproval. "Carl, we should get going, catch up to the rest," y/n stopped and listened, "plus there's a hoard of walkers coming our way."

"Nah n/n, come on lets go!"

"Carl I don't think we should,"

"Are you scared~?"

"No, but it's dangerous,"

"We won't take long, we'll be out and with the group before you know it!"

"No Carl," Y/n began walking toward the group.

"I'm going!" Carl ran into the convenient store.

"Damn it, Carl!" Y/n chased after him.



"I found a gun!"

"And you pulled the trigger!?"

"Well ya, to see if it works,"

"Carl! You idiot!"

Groans were heard as the smell of decay filled the two's noses.

"Carl! You attracted the walkers!"

"Well I can't help it if I'm so good looking!"

"Carl! Now is not the time!"

"How would you know?!"

"Carl, I don't have time for this, Just block the doors while I board the windows,"

Carl moved the shelfs to the door, blocking the walkers trying to come in. "Carl, what'd I tell you?" Y/n teased as she boarded up the window. Carl rolled his eyes, "whatev-" y/n hand flew over Carl's mouth.

A walker was in the store. Y/n pulled out her knife, slowly making her way toward the walker, plunging her knife in its head. "To the corner, they won't be able to hear us or see us," Y/n commanded. The two silently walked toward the corner, sitting cries cross on the floor

(Play song now)

"Carl we need a plan, we can't stay here forever," Y/n said. Carl nodded. "Wait I have a plan, when I say run you run and don't turn around. Get as far from here as possible and try to find your way back, I'll be right behind you soon enough," Y/n explained.

Carl stared at her like she was crazy, "that's insane. I'm not leaving dad would kill me," Carl mumbled the last part. "Awe, and I actually thought you cared," y/n sarcastically replied, rolling her eyes. Carl sighed, "fine, but you promise you'll be right behind me soon?"


"Pinky promise?"

"Gosh your so childish,"

"Pinky promise or I won't go!"

"Fine, pinky promise,"

Carl and y/n pinky promise. Y/n smiled. "Stand up and wait back here, when I shout pickle, you run okay?"

Carl nodded, standing up. "Good!" Y/n stood up as well and peck Carl's lips, "I always like ya, ya know..:though your a pain in the arse!" Y/n teased than walked toward the exist.

Quickly she removed the shelves and ran into the hoard of walkers. "Hey! Freak faces!" Y/n shouted, pulling out a gun and shooting it multiple times. The walkers turned and began chasing her.

Once all of them were a distance from Carl, y/n shouted, "PICKLE!" She watched Carl run out and into the opposite direction. Y/n smiled and continued hooting and Hollering, leading the walkers further away.


"Carl?" Rick asked confused. Carl nodded, panting. "Where's y/n?" Carl went pale, "I-I don't know," Carl stared at the gates, expecting y/n to come running through the gates, but she never did.

And she hasn't came, not for a week now. Rick worried for his son. He refused to eat, sleep, or come out his room. He missed her, terribly, missed her voice scolding him, missed her stealing his snacks. Missed her smile, her laugh, her cursing and her flipping him off.


"Carl! You need to come out now! It's been two months. Face it she's not coming back," Ron called. Carl opened the door a bit, "but she promised!" Carl shouted, his eyes stained red.

"Carl you need to face reality, it's not time for emotions. We're in the middle of the apocalypse and a Negan appeared." "Ron you wouldn't be understand!" "Yes I would! Did you forget I lost my mom, dad, a-and little brother?!" Ron shouted. "I'm sorry."

Ron sighed, he didn't have time for this, Rick needed Carl to be alright to function, or else this whole place will go to trash. "Look, I get it but you need to face the truth Carl," Ron said.

Carl sighed and took Ron by surprise by hugging him.

To be honest he missed her too, he thought of her as his sister, another of his family. Ron hugged back.

"Awe! I ship it,"

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