The moment

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I was about to watch my favorite movie when I heard something upstairs. I walk upstairs slowly and quietly. I open the door of my daughter's room. She was not there. I open the window and look outside I saw here went inside the Blake's house. "What is she up to right know?" I thought to myself. I waited there for 2 hours and 30 minutes. Then the window opened. I fake cough and she turn around. "Mom, hi! Why are you here?" She said. "Were have you been?" I ask. "I was just uhmmmm, asking something to Jake." She said. "At this time?" I said. "Ahhhh!" She said. "What exactly happened?" I ask. "Fine, he ahhh, he, confessed his feeling to me." She said. "OMG, you two are in a relationship?" I ask smiling. "No!no, no, no! That's not what I meant." She said. "Don't lie to me Samantha." I said. "Fine! Yes we are in a relationship." She said. "Ohhh, I'm so happy for you." I said hugging her. "Thanks mom." She said. "You know what you should go to be." I said. She smile. "Good night mom." She said. "Good night sweetie." I said and close the door. I am so happy for her. This is awesome.

OMG, it's Monday. Time for school again. I wake up and do my routine. I went downstairs and saw my mom cooking. "Good morning mom" I said. She turn around. "Good morning sweetie, do you sleep well." She ask. I nod. I eat my breakfast. "Do you want me to drive you to school?" She ask. "No, it's okay I'll just walk." I reply. "Okay just be careful." I heard her say. I pick my skateboard up and use it. I was skating in the road. "Wow, I never knew my girlfriend knows how to use that." I turn around and saw Jake. "There are plenty more you don't know about me Mr. Blake." I reply. He laugh and hug me. "Woah, slow down Mr. Hugger." I said. "I'm sorry it's just, I miss you so much." He said. "But we see each other yesterday." I said. He placed a kiss in my forehead, in my nose, in my cheeks and in my lips. He smirked. I laugh and punch him playfully. "Come on, where going to be late." I said. He grab my hand and hold it. We walk inside the school and people don't even care. That's good, I don't want to attract attentions. "Hey dude." Someone said. "Sup dude." Jake said. "Who's this beautiful lady." He asked. "Sam this is Phil, Phil this is Sam my girlfriend." Jake reply. "She's beautiful man, your lucky you have her. But, I'm pretty much luckier than you. I have the most beautiful girl ever and.....""Okay dude that's enough your lucky then your luck. But I'm the most luckiest person in the world because I found her." Jake said while looking at me. He smile, I smile back. "Okay, I'm just gonna go." Phil said and leave. We both looked at each other and laugh. The bell rang luckily me and Jake have the same class, History. The most boring subject ever. I hope I survive.

Me and Sam went to our History class. The most boring subject ever. Well, it's not boring now because Sam is here. The teacher went in. I listen to what the teacher is saying even though it's really boring. Sam is making a lot of noise. Ripping a paper, tapping her hands in the desk and doing a lot of stuffs. I look at her and I saw her blowing her hair off her face. She's so cute. The window was open and the wind come in waving her hair everywhere. She looked at me and damn she looks hot and beautiful at the same time. "What?" She whispered. "Nothing, you just look beautiful." I whispered back. She smiled. "Mr. Blake and Miss Laurel I can see you have a nice eye to eye contact with each other. So Miss Laurel answer this question for me." The teacher said. I look at her saying that I can help her. She stand up. "Okay the question is. Who is Albert Einstein?" He asked. Oh man that really hard. " Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist. He developed the general theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics. Einstein's work is also known for its influence on the philosophy of science." She said not even looking at the book. Damn she nailed it. "Good job, I thought you didn't pay attention." He said. Sam gave him a thumbs up and sit down. I look at her and she winked at me. I smile and continue listening. An hour later (more like forever), the school is finally finished. I saw Sam talking to a girl. She saw me and say goodbye to the girl. I run to her and hug her. "Come on, let's go." She said. She grab my hand and run to all the crowds. Finally we are out. We are walking down the street. I look at her. "Why, are you looking at me like that?" She ask. "Because your beautiful and I can believe you nailed that question." I said. "Actually his just so stupid." She said. "Why?" I ask. "He asked me the same question over and over again." She said. I laugh. We are walking when suddenly Sam stop. "Hey what is it?" I ask. She pointed at the guy who was being bullied. "This sons of bitches never learned their lesson." I heard her said. I look at my side and saw that she's not there. I saw her walking towards the one who is bully. "Hey, asshole." Sam said. The boys look up and shock when they saw her. "Whats going on here?" She ask. "Nothing we're just playing." The boy said. "Playing? With who?" Sam said. "No one Sam, we promise." The boy with a cap said. "Really?" She ask. She went into the nearest dumpster. "Then who's in here?" She said. "Don't open tha...." She open the dumpster and I saw a boy he is younger from all of us. Then who's this?" Sam ask. "Were just playing hide and seek." The bit with a cap said. "I want to join in, in a count of three I want the three of you to get lost and stop bullying." Sam said. Man she's really terrifying when she's angry. Gotta remember that. "One." She said. The boys are still there. "Two" She continue. "We should run." Someone said. "Three." Sam stop and when I turn around the boys are no we're to be found. "Go home stay safe." She said. The boy thank her. I hug her and kiss her. "Stop doing that." She said. I gave her my puppy eyes. "Fine." She said then kiss me. "Your so cute." She said. "Your so cute." I said. "Come on let's go." I said. I hold her hand and walk back to the path. I hope I could see her like always. She's my most precious thing in the world.

Okay another update. Comment what you want to put next in the next part and leave a vote. Thanks guys love you all:)

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