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"Where are we going?" I asked. "Didn't you just move here? How do you know where anything is?"

Ryan looked over at me and smiled slightly.

"I don't," he chuckled. "I just figured getting you out of there for a while would make you feel better."

I felt my hand being squeezed and then it hit me that we were holding hands. Awkward? I let go of his hand and slipped mine in my pockets.

"Thanks, I guess." I said quietly. It almost seems like he's just being nice to me as a prank. It's happened before.

Frank and Ray actually paid someone to be my friend and it went on for a month before I overheard their conversation. It's been hard to trust anyone since.

But in a way, I really don't think Ryan's pranking me. He makes me feel like he really does wanna be my friend and I've never felt that from anyone other than Spencer. Speaking of Spencer, I should probably call him tomorrow.

"You okay?" Ryan asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"Oh, yeah. Just thinking of somewhere we could go." It wasn't necessarily a lie. "There's actually a place over in the woods I used to go to sometimes. Before I got a job. We could go there."

Ryan raised an eyebrow. "You aren't plotting to kill me are you?" He asked, seriousness in his voice.

"Do I look at all capable of committing a murder?" I laughed.

"I don't know. I just met you, so you could be a serial killer for all I know."

"Well I can assure you that I'm not a serial killer."

"That's good to know. I'll let Gerard know he doesn't need to plan my funeral." Ryan pulled his phone from his pants pocket and held it up.

"Funny." I smiled and put my head down, watching my feet move against the sidewalk.

The rest of the way, we didn't talk. It was quiet, other than the crickets and a dog barking every so often. Once we were just outside of entering the woods, I could hear voices and they weren't voices I was hoping to hear.

"Anyone else know about this place?" Ryan asked.

I stopped as soon as I saw the four people standing there.

"Just a few," I told him. "let's just go back."

"Why?" He asked, looking back and forth from me and them.

"I changed my -"

"Hey, look! It's Urie!" I closed my eyes and sighed. "What're you doing out here?" They started walking toward us and I was thinking about running away.

"Yeah, shouldn't you be at home waiting for your mommy to show up?" Ray said, making everyone else laugh. Except Gerard.

"What's the matter, Urie? Cat got your tongue?"

"How about you just leave him alone." Ryan said, sounding annoyed.

"Got yourself a boyfriend, huh?" I turned around and began walking away from them. "Awh, c'mon! Don't leave." Frank laughed and everyone else joined him.

"Alright, maybe you should just leave him alone. He isn't hurting anything." Gerard said calmly. I kept walking and the voices kept getting fainter. I wanted to look to see if Ryan was following me. But I didn't hear him behind me, so I figured he must have stayed.

If I could invent something that let's me know where those assholes are, I'd never have a problem with going anywhere ever again. It's too bad I can't.

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