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"Frank's birthday is in a few days," Gerard says, mostly talking to Ryan. Gerard and I don't talk much because he knows how I feel about Frank. "and I was wondering if we could have his party here?"

I looked up at Gerard with wide eyes. 

"Like, just the four of us?" Ryan asks. Gerard looks from me to Ryan and slightly shakes his head.

"I was planning on inviting his friends."

"No." I blurt out, shaking my head. "I'm sorry, but I don't want them here. Frank being here is already making my anxiety worse. If he wants to see his friends, he can go back home." I remove myself from sitting next to Ryan, his arm falling onto the couch after I get up. "And I apologize if anyone thinks I'm overreacting, but put yourself in my shoes and then you'll understand why I don't want them here."

I get up and put my shoes on, and I take my key from the counter and walk out the front door. 

I already don't want Frank in my apartment, why would I want his friends here? They can have his party somewhere else. Like in a dumpster or in hell.

When I get outside, I see Josh and his friend out on their patio so I decide to walk over and talk to them.

"Hey." Both of them look at me and Josh smiles and stands up.

"I was wondering when you were going to come over," he says happily. "what's going on?" 

"I just needed to get out." I said with a sigh. 

"Yeah, I have those days too." He says. 

"What are you guys up to?" I ask them. 

Josh shrugs and sits back down in the patio chair.

"Hanging around. Tyler never likes to go anywhere." 

"That's not true. I asked you if you wanted to go mini golfing. You said no."

"Tyler. No one likes mini golfing." Josh said.

"They do when it's glow in the dark mini golfing."

"There's a glow in the dark mini golf around here?" I ask happily.

They both nod and I smile.

"You like mini golfing?" Tyler asks me.

"If it's glow in the dark, yeah." Tyler laughed. 

Maybe I can get Ryan to go with me so we can get out of the apartment and away from Gerard and Frank, not that Gerard is the problem. It's Frank. 

"Hey." I hear Ryan's voice behind me and I turn around instantly. He's walking with his hands in his hoodie pockets and he looks upset. "Can we talk please?" 

I start to feel anxious, my heart dropping and I almost lose my breath. It's never good when someone says can we talk.

"Yeah, sure." Ryan nods his head once and turns around, walking away. "See you guys later." 

"See ya." 


I follow Ryan back to our building, but he gets in the car and I get in the passenger side. He puts his elbow up on the door where the window is and I sit nervously in my seat, fidgeting with my fingers. 

"You okay?" He asks, his voice soft.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because of what Gerard said." He takes the car key out of his pocket and puts it in the ignition, starting the car. Ryan puts his seat belt on and I do the same and he backs out of the parking space and drives out of the complex.

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

"I don't know," he says. "just driving." 

I hum and look out the window. I've never felt this scared or nervous with Ryan and I don't like it. I don't like it at all.

He continues to drive until we're out of the city, just driving down a road with a field on one side and trees on the other.

"So," he says after about ten minutes of silence. "I was thinking."


"Gerard and I have been best friends forever and he's done a lot for me, you know?" I furrow my eyebrows and nod, not knowing where this is headed to. "He seems to be really happy with Frank and I know what Frank did to you was completely fucked up, but I can't tell Gee that he can't see Frank anymore. Gee will leave and be so pissed at me. I can't lose him Brendon. He's all I've got." 

I feel my chest get heavy. I feel hurt. Upset. 

"I know." I say as quietly as I can, still making sure Ryan can hear me. 

"He's talking about leaving. Going somewhere else." 


Ryan shrugs a shoulder and stops the car on the side of the road. 

"I guess so he and Frank can be together. So they're not bothering you." He looks down at his lap and I can tell he's upset.

"Ryan, Gerard isn't -"

"I said I'd go with him." There it is. That's what I was waiting for. My chest hurts. I feel like I'm forgetting how to breathe.

He's leaving me.

"What?" I manage to choke out, my eyes burning with tears. 

Ryan shrugs and looks out the window, running a hand through his hair.

"He needs me, you know? We need each other and if he leaves then I don't have anyone." 

I turn my head to look out at the empty field next to us on the side of the road, tears decorating my cheeks. It takes a lot for me to hold back on sobbing and completely falling apart.

"Take me home please." My voice cracks and I wipe my eyes and cheeks.


"Please. Just take me home." 

I hear Ryan sigh and then the car starts back up and he does a u-turn to go back the way we came.


Extremely short and mostly a waste of a chapter, but here it is.

Next chapter should definitely be longer and yeah

Next chapter should definitely be longer and yeah

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