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Ryan and I rushed straight to the bedroom as soon as we got to the apartment and he tugged at my clothes as I did the same to his. I unzipped his hoodie, tossing it somewhere on the floor, and he pulled mine over my head, taking my shirt with it. Ryan pulled off his own t-shirt as I unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans, pushing them down to my ankles and kicking them off. Ryan did the same, taking his boxers off too. My eyes darted straight down to his crotch and his dick was pointing upward and to the right. I took in a shaky breath and Ryan grabbed the hem of my boxers and tugged them down. They fell to my ankles and I stepped out of them.

I looked back up at his eyes and he stepped forward, placing his hands on my ass and pulled me closer to him.

"Up." He said against my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and jumped as he lifted me. Ryan set me on the bed and I broke the kiss, scooting myself back on the bed and lying down. Ryan was on top of me within seconds, lips on mine like he never wanted them to be apart.

His left hand was in my hair and his other was gripping my waist. Both of my hands are on his sides, moving fervently up and down, felling his soft skin.

"Where's the lube?" He asks, lips moving from my lips to my jaw, stopping at my neck, and a lump forms in my throat. He licks the skin and gently sinks his teeth into my neck before placing soft kisses on the spot. 

"Drawer." I say, swallowing the lump. Ryan gets up on his knees, leaning over to his left and digging through the nightstand drawer.

"I don't see anything." He says, and I can hear him still moving stuff around.

"Other side." I tell him.

"You could have specified." Ryan laughs and leans over toward his right, going through the other drawer. I hear the drawer close and then he's sitting up on his knees in front of me, a less than half full bottle of lube in one hand, a condom in the other.

"This is weird." I blurt out. Ryan looks at me, his brows knitted together and a frown on his lips.

"Um." He says, dropping his hands to the sides. "What do you mean?"

"Just. The lube. Jon and -"

"Okay." He says, tossing the lube to the floor. He closes his eyes and he's breathing as if he's trying to calm himself down. Seconds later, he opens his eyes again and looks at me. "I don't wanna hear about him. I know what you guys did, I shouldn't be mad about it, I know. But, Bren, please. I just don't wanna hear about it."

"I was just gonna say that we used the lube and -"

"Obviously!" He shouts, catching me off guard. "Sorry. I'm sorry."

"This is stupid." I almost laugh, shaking my head, and I cover my face with my hands.

"Hey," Ryan now grabs my hands and pulls them away from my face. I keep my eyes closed and he pulls me to sit up in front of him. His hands cup my cheeks and his lips kiss mine softly. "don't cry." He says, his thumbs wiping the corners of my eyes. I open them and he's so close to me, staring right back at me.

"Habit." I say, and Ryan chuckles.

"Well let's try to break it, yeah?"

"It's kind of hard to when you get so offended by everything." Ryan's already small smile fades to nothing and he drops his hands from my cheeks. "Just forget it." I reach up, grabbing his shoulders, leaning forward and catching his lips with mine and I pull him down with me.

Ryan seems to forget it pretty quickly and he breaks the kiss to spit on his fingers, and okay, that's new, and he reaches down between us and my breath hitches when I feel his fingers tracing my hole.

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