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Spencer's uncle was more than happy to have Ryan and I work for him.

He owns his own company and he said he'd be willing to show us whatever we need to know. He's a really nice guy. Spencer told him our situation and he insisted that we stay in the empty apartment in the apartment complex that he owns until we start making money to pay rent and bills. It's nice. A gated complex with several different apartment buildings, eight apartments in each one. And there's a swimming pool and a basketball court. It's really nice. Luckily it's a two bedroom apartment. Now all we need is furniture.

I wonder why Spencer never mentioned him before. 

"This is all too much," I said to Spencer. "I fell like I shouldn't accept it, you know? He doesn't even know us and he's already doing so much to help us out. It almost feels kind of wrong."

Spencer smiled and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Well, when you're a multi-millionaire and you really have nothing else to spend your money on, the best thing you could do is help someone out who's in need. And that's why he does." A multi-millionaire? Jesus Christ.

"How the hell did he end up with so much money?" I asked curiously and I noticed Ryan was interested in the question also.

"He used to gamble," Spencer said simply. "he'd go to the casino every night and that's how he got started. Then he started betting on sports games and, with the luck he has, he won the lottery." I wish I could win the lottery. "It was set at two billion dollars and he won it all on his fucking own. Didn't have to split it with anyone. So, he started his own construction company and bought a few apartment complexes and he even owns one of the best diners in town. He quit gambling and now he makes his money off of his businesses. His wife and kids were happy as hell."

"That's... wow. I would love to win the lottery." I laughed. Spencer nodded with a smile on his face.

"He's putting me through college after high school. Told me to pick anywhere I wanna go and it's covered."

"That's awesome."

"I wish my family was like that." Ryan muttered. "They're all selfish assholes."

"At least you have family," I wasn't trying to sound like a party pooper, but come on. "all I've ever known was my parents. And then my dad left so now all I have is... had was my mom."

"Fuck," Ryan walked across the room and pulled me up from the bed and wrapped me in his arms. "sorry. I wasn't thinking."

"Don't be sorry." I said, trying to make myself sound like I was completely fine, when really I was on the verge of breaking down. "It's not your fault." I hugged him back briefly, then pulled away and wiped the tears from my eyes before they fell. "Anyway, how about we go out and do something?"

They exchanged worried looks but agreed and we all got into the old car that used to belong to my dad. 


"This is only fifty dollars," Ryan said, looking at the grey couch that looked to be in really good condition for being at a goodwill. "and it looks clean and I don't see any holes or anything."

"What if it's got those bed bug things though?" I lifted up a cushion and looked under it to see if there was anything that shouldn't be there.

"They won't accept anything that has bugs Brendon," Spencer laughed. "and they clean everything before putting it out on the floor."

"If you say so." I sighed and plopped down onto the couch. "It's so comfortable!" Ryan sat next to me and Spencer next to him.

"I could sleep on this," Spencer said. "but I like my bed more."

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