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"Hey Brendon," I was laying down on part of the couch and Brendon was sitting over on the other side, watching something on TV

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"Hey Brendon," I was laying down on part of the couch and Brendon was sitting over on the other side, watching something on TV. Some movie that he put into the DVD player that I wasn't paying attention to. "we should get a dog." I suggested. He looked at me, his expression blank, and then he turned back to the TV and hummed. I furrowed my eyebrows and sat up. He's been acting weird all morning, hardly talking to me and I'm starting to feel like he's avoiding me all together. Just when I was about to say something, his phone started to ring and he answered it.

"Hello?" He answered quietly. "No, I'm just at the apartment, bored. What are you up to?" I stopped listening to his conversation and continued to look at the puppies on my phone screen. There's a pet store near here that have basset hound puppies for sale and they're adorable. I need one.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Brendon get up off the couch and disappear down the hall. After a minute or two, he came back out with a pair of jeans on and his hoodie. He kept his eyes anywhere that wasn't in my direction and then he picked up his sunglasses and put them on.

"Are you going somewhere?" I asked him, my eyebrows coming together. He nodded and shoved his phone in the back pocket of his jeans and put his key to the apartment in his front pocket. Without saying another word, Brendon walked out the door and I was left sitting on the couch, confused as hell, staring at the door.


"I still don't like you," I told him as he made himself comfortable on the couch. He looked down and shook his head. "and if I didn't care about Gee and his feelings, you wouldn't even be here right now."

"Anyway," Gerard said, sitting down next to Frank. "how've you been?"

"Pretty good I guess." I shrugged. "Brendon's dad owns this whole complex and he gave us a bunch of money to -"

"Wait. Did you just say Brendon's dad?" Gerard asked, raising his eyebrow. Fuck.

"Don't tell him I told you, okay? I don't even know if he wants people to know."

"Know what?" I sighed and mentally kicked myself.

"When Brendon and I left his moms house, we came out here to see his friend Spencer. Spencer said his uncle owned a construction company and that he'd talk to him to see if Brendon and I could work for him." I paused and Gerard stared at me, obviously waiting for me to continue. "He owns this complex and a few others I guess. He won the lottery a while ago. Anyway, it turns out that Spencer's uncle is actually Brendon's dad and he had proof to prove it to Brendon and everything so he bought us all of this furniture and beds and dressers and whatnot. He gave us money to go shopping for school clothes and supplies because we're supposed to be enrolling soon."

Gerard and Frank both looked at me like they had nothing to say. But then Gerard spoke.

"Oh wow. Holy shit, that's awesome." He said with a grin. "So now Brendon made it good with his dad and he's going to get a bunch of money from him now? Like, get anything he wants?"

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