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My ovaries ^

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My ovaries ^


"Brendon, open the door!" I jump at the yelling and the constant pounding on the front door, and sit up, rubbing my eyes. "Brendon!" I make out Ryan's voice and I look behind me, seeing Jon asleep on the couch.

I get up and stretch my arms over my head and walk over the the door, unlocking it and opening it. Ryan bursts in the second it opens and then he slams it shut and hurries to lock it.

"What are you doing?" I ask him while yawning.

"I'm sorry it's so late, but I had no where else to go." He pants, leaning his back against the door and sliding down, sitting with his knees to his chest and his head against the door, his eyes closed. 

"What do you mean you had no where else to go? What's going on?" I kneel down in front of him so I'm eye level with him.

The dim light from the patio shining through the window let's me see Ryan's face, and the tears that are spilling from his eyes.

His lips turn into a frown and he begins to shake his head, tears flowing down his cheeks.

"He found me." He chokes out quietly, making my heart drop. 

"What? How? I thought you said he wouldn't -"

"Because he forced Gerard to tell him where I am or he'd hurt his brother. I don't blame Gee." Ryan wipes his face and opens his eyes, looking at me and then he looks past me. "Didn't know you had company." He says quietly, putting his head down, resting his forehead on his knees.

I look behind me and see Jon sitting on the couch instead of lying down. I turn back to Ryan and put my hand on the side of his leg, gently rubbing up and down.

"Come on." I tell him, getting up to my feet and holding out my hand, hoping he takes it. "Ryan, please get up."

Ryan doesn't take my hand, but he gets up and wipes his eyes again and puts his hands in his hoodie pockets.

I take his hand anyway and lead him through the living room and down the hall to my bedroom.

"Lie down." I pull the comforter back and Ryan climbs in bed and I cover him up. "I'll be right back."

I close the door behind me and go out to the living room.

Jon is still sitting on the couch.

"Hey." I sigh, sitting next to him.

"Hey," he says back, leaning against me. "everything okay?" He asks.

I wish I could tell him, but I din't think it's my place to, especially since Ryan doesn't seem to care for Jon very much considering I've been sleeping with Jon.

"Not really." I sigh again. "I'd tell you but it's really personal and I don't think Ryan would be okay with me telling you."

"It's okay, I understand. I don't even know him." I turn my head and look at Jon and he's smiling at me softly. "Should I go? Leave the two of you alone to talk or something?"

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