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When Ryan and I got back to the apartment, my jaw practically hit the floor when we walked inside.

"What the hell?" Ryan said just above a whisper.

There was a brand new sectional couch against two walls and a glass coffee table in front of it, along with a side table and lamp on each end of he couch. Across the room, there was a flat screen TV mounted to the wall with speakers on either side of it.

"Where did this come from?" Ryan and I set the bags down and looked around the room. "We didn't order new furniture did we?" I asked Ryan, knowing very well that we didn't.

"Uh, not that I remember." Then there was a knock on the door. Ryan turned around and answered it, revealing Matt with a small smile on his face.

"It's not too much is it?" He asked, putting his hands in his pockets. "I went earlier before I came over and picked it all out. It just got here no more than an hour ago. The delivery guys helped me bring everything in and set it up. The uh... the bedrooms are done too. Queen sized beds in both rooms, night stands, lamps, dressers with mirrors on them. Just wanted to help out. I hope that's okay."

"Wow," I turned to face Matt. "thank you. So much. It really mean a lot." I know he's just trying to make up for leaving me, which kind of makes me upset because he's trying to buy my forgiveness, but then again he kind of owes it to me. So maybe I shouldn't feel so bad.

"Nothing to thank me for. I owe it to you." I hummed and put my head down. Ryan put his hand on the small of my back and slowly rubbed circles around it. "I'll just get going then. I've got some things to take care of at another complex. I'll see you boys later." Matt pursed his lips and gestured a small wave and opened the door. "Oh, Brendon?"


"I know it may be too soon, and it may come as a surprise, but I was wondering if you'd like to go see your mom." My eyes widened as soon as he said the words and I felt like my heart stopped beating. He really wants to see my mom? "Just think about it. We don't have to go, but from what you told me, it sounds like she needs some help. And I can't help but feel guilty for the way she is. I know it's all my fault because I left, so the least I could do -"

"Yeah." I said, nodding my head. "I'd love to go see her." Matt smiled, nodded his head once and looked down at the ground. "Thank you."

"I'll see you later, son." Matt was out the door before I had time to reply and my vision became blurry, my cheek felt wet and it wasn't until Ryan wrapped his arms around me that I realized I was starting to cry.

I held onto him like someone was going to pull me away from him and he held back just as tight, shushing me and petting my hair, letting me cry into his shoulder.

"Hey, it's okay." He whispered in my ear. "Brendon." Ryan pulled away just enough to see my face and he brought his hand to my cheek and wiped the tears away, then doing the same with the other side.

"What if my mom completely loses it? What if it just pushes her even more over the edge? Then what? She'll lose it Ryan, she'll go absolutely crazy if she sees him, I know she will." I cried. His hands came up to my face, cupping my cheeks and he made me look at him.

"But maybe it'll be good for her," he said quietly. "seeing him and talking to him. Maybe they'll talk about things and maybe that's what she needs to get herself better." I closed my eyes and let out a shaky breath. Ryan's thumbs were gently caressing my cheeks and I subconsciously put my hands over his.

"Maybe you're right." I said just above a whisper, opening my eyes and looking at him. Ryan kept his hands on my cheeks and I kept my hands on his. I let my eyes wander down to his lips. They looked soft, so soft and pink and then he wet them with his tongue and I felt my heartbeat pick up. He started to lean in, going as slow as he could and I followed. We're just a couple inches away and -

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