Chapter 2-The Stepping In

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Chapter 2-The Stepping In

Sydney Carrington's POV

"Oh god. I can't believe this is happening." I breathed out excitedly as I sat beside Will in his car. Others from our pack who were going to participate in the Season were travelling together with us as well.

The rest of the pack remained back home along with our alpha and once we were back, there would be a huge celebration for the newly mated wolves.

Will took my hand and grinned at me, "Neither can I." He murmured and I smiled up at him. We continued driving and soon entered a town where we would be having a pitstop.

We had took a flight from home and have been driving for a day and a half, having breaks here and there in between and we were stopping in this town for the night and for food.

Will stopped the car and the rest stopped as well. I got out of the car and stretched before glancing around the town. Looking around, I could see that several other wolves from other packs were here.

I breathed in the fresh air eagerly, and sighed wistfully as I thought back to the moment Sarah and I shared along with Sean. I knew that Sean was acting all tough so he wouldn't show that he would miss me but I knew my brother well.

And even though we had our arguments and fights, I loved him especially when I had to be the buffer between him and Sarah when they would get into a huge quarrel as she had limited patience while I had more.

Sarah had grown very emotional and had teared up making me tear up as well, which was ridiculous because we were still going to be in the same pack and I could see her everyday if I wanted.

But I guessed that it was the finality of me moving on when the three of us had been through some tough times with the passing of our parents and whatnot. But it was alright, in a way, I was glad that I was moving on to the next chapter of my life.

And that new chapter? It was with Will. And I couldn't be happier about it. Will and I had met at a party when I was seventeen and he twenty-two. Honestly, at first glance, Will had not caught my attention. He seemed like a player with his blue eyes and blonde hair and I didn't want anything to do with those.

But apparently, one of his friends had approached me with a cheeky grin on his face and told me that Will was interested in me. I had stared at him coolly and Will had approached us agitatedly and uncomfortably.

That caught my interest because what player would have his friends introduce him to a girl like that? And from then on, the rest was history when Will had asked me out repeatedly and I gave in.

I turned to look at Will who was giving the pack instructions and stuff and a smile crossed my lips. Will was an incredible beta and I was extremely proud of him. "Syd? You okay? Do you want anything to eat?"

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