Chapter 24-The Awakening

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Chapter 24-The Awakening

Brendon Kingston's POV

"Undoubtedly a miracle for sure."

"... Wouldn't have survived if the Luna had not completed..."

"Mend on...back to..."

My head was pounding and my limbed seemed to ache. People were talking but I couldn't seem to grasp most of the words and they didn't seem to be making any sense.

I tried to move and open my mouth and eyes but found that I couldn't do anything. Panic rose and I forced my body to move but it seemed that nothing was working.

I could feel my heart rate quicken as panic filled every nerve in my body. The last time that I had been unable to move while my eyes were shut was the time that my uncle was my guardian.

"His heart rate is accelerating!" An unfamiliar voice shouted distantly and I tried to call to my wolf to shift or anything but no response came.

"Someone get the sedative!" Another voice called out and I could feel hands on my arms and that was when I had slight control of my body back and I thrashed around on the bed.

It wasn't until a soft and calming touch on my body made me stop. "Kingston calm down! It's okay, you're safe." The familiar voice called out and immediately I stopped. Sydney was here. The scent of lilacs surrounded me and I relaxed slightly.

Her soothing touch calmed me down and a prick on my arm immediately sent me back to the deep black abyss of unconsciousness.


"Daddy! Catch!" A girl no older than five years with dark hair and crystal blue eyes shouted and threw a doll at me.

I reached over and caught it and the girl launched herself at me and exploded into giggles. I frowned in slight confusion, not knowing what was going on.

The little girl in my arms wrapped her arms around my neck and sighed contentedly. Somehow, it felt as if I knew her. As if I was...connected to her. I couldn't explain all this tender emotions I'm feeling for her.

"Oh good. She's asleep." A familiar voice called out and I looked up to see Sydney with a broad smile on her face. I studied her a little confused. "What?" I asked and Sydney laughed before a wry smile on her face appeared.

"She's asleep haven't you noticed?" Sydney answered before reaching out to hold the girl in my arms. My eyes widened when I realised that Sydney looked a little older than I remembered and the girl in our arms looked quite like her.

"You know fatherhood suits you." She laughs and I frowned before echoing, "Fatherhood?"

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