Chapter 5-The New Friend

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Chapter 5-The New Friend

Sydney Carrington's POV

I observed my reflection in the mirror, cringing when the bruise that Kingston had given me was now a purplish-brown colour. I quickly wrapped be scarf around my neck. I didn't want to see it.

I hadn't seen Kingston ever since he gave me that horrible bruise and that was three days ago. Some of his pack members had been giving me my meals and I was so very tempted to run past them and out of the room but I knew that I had to be patient.

And besides, I didn't want any of the pack members to be punished for my actions. The people who brought my meals had been courteous, giving me small smiles and a nod as a sign of respect as I was now the Alpha female. But not once had they spoke to me.

And I guessed that was because of Kingston's instructions. And I hated him more for that. I was lonely and homesick and I didn't have any social interaction whatsoever.

I had already come up with a plan to escape from the European pack. I would never ever see it as my home. The American pack was where I belonged. I had decided that I would gain Kingston's trust and I would catch him off-guard to make my escape.

Of course I wouldn't go back to my old pack, I would go somewhere far far away and contact Will to meet me there. That way, it was safer for my family back home and for the rest of the pack. I knew Kingston wasn't a merciful sort, thus I knew that if he ever attacked my pack, I would never return to him especially when I wasn't going back to my pack.

The door opened and I stiffened involuntarily as if it was Kingston who had entered the room. Now that we were mated, we could feel each other's emotions and it is possible that you could block each other's emotions out. And that was what I had been doing. I didn't want to feel him.

But instead of the tense domineering presence, I felt a happy and jovial one instead. I turned around to see a young girl, not much older than I was. "Hello! You must be Sydney! I'm Cara Kingston!"

Cara beamed and hugged me. Feeling caught off guard, I hugged her back awkwardly and gave her a weak smile. "Hi." Her pretty green eyes lit up and her dark hair fell in waves down her shoulders.

"Oh! Sorry! I'm Brendon's half sister! You're really pretty! And I'm so excited to meet you finally in person!" Cara squealed excitedly and I couldn't help but like her immediately. She had a warm and jovial personality.

Taken aback by her friendliness, I gave her a small smile. "I'm Sydney."

"I know! We're gonna be sisters! Seeing that you're Brendon's chosen! And you're the Alpha Female too!" My heart sank a little at that and I glanced at her and said shortly.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not staying here for long."

At this, Cara frowned and her face fell, "What do you mean? You can't leave. You're Brendon's chosen and you chose him." She said as we sat onto the king-sized bed in my room.

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