Chapter 25-The Puzzle

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Chapter 25-The Puzzle 

Sydney Carrington's POV 

The sensation of fingers playing with my hair made my open my eyes and sleepily, I looked up to see Brendon looking down at me with wonder and love in his eyes.  

Without saying a word, I let out a contented sigh and leaned my head against his chest. "Morning." I said sleepily and I could feel him press a light kiss on my head.  

"Morning." His husky voice spoke out and I sighed and snuggled into his arms. "How are you? How's the wound feeling?"

"It's okay. The ache is gone and the wolf is back." He answered and I turned to face him to inspect the scar on his chest. Tracing the scarred part of the tanned skin on his chest, I could feel him shudder a little the moment my fingers touched his warm skin.  

I hummed and sighed, "That's good. That means the medication is out of your system. How's the wolf feeling?" His voice rumbled out, "Happy that you're here with me." 

I couldn't help but let out a grin at that and pressed my head against his chest to feel the steady beat of his heart. "Brendon, can I ask you something. Why did you really choose me that day?" 

The moment those words left my mouth, I could feel Brendon tensing before forcing himself to relax and he sighed heavily before starting, "Sydney, that day when I saw you-something struck in me. I don't know what but the first time in my twenty-nine years, my wolf seemed to be silent and submissive and he seemed to call for you." 

He paused and stared into my eyes, his beautiful silver eye burning into mine. From that mere gaze, I could feel my heart rate speed up as I met his gaze. 

"But that wasn't the only reason, of course you were insanely gorgeous but that day you were arguing so much with my cousin that I was immediately drawn to you. Because of your fire and the spirit in you. And it didn't help that something about you seemed so familiar." He finished before clearing his throat.  

I sat there stunned. I couldn't really understand the effect I had on Brendon but it was different. A thought crossed my mind and I questioned a little curiously, "If your wolf was really submissive to me, how could you have hurt me?" 

At my question, Brendon dropped his head and sighed deeply before meeting my gaze once more. Guilt and shame were on his face and he answered quietly. "When you always threatened to leave or bring up the topic of the beta, I would lose my temper and when I got angry, the wolf would feel the same way too. And he lashed out. He didn't want to hurt you, but when he lashes out, anything or anyone could be fair game."  

I chewed my lip before tracing the side of his face with my fingers. "Would you ever tell me what happened in the past? Why your wolf is so defensive and all?"  

Brendon looked away before murmuring, "Maybe some day."  

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