Chapter 19-The Nightmares

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Chapter 19-The Nightmares

Sydney Carrington's POV

I lay in bed and touched my lips.

I probably had the widest and silliest smile on my face. I had kissed Kingston. And it was everything that I had thought it would be.

His lips were soft and a little chapped as they moved against mine. Honestly, I didn't know why I had kissed him. But I didn't regret it. Not at all.

When the movie had ended, I wondered if Kingston was as lonely as Bruce Wayne when he was a child. I didn't really know Kingston's full past, but I had a rough idea. I knew his parents were dead and Cara only made her appearance when he was ten.

Kingston had answered that he didn't really have an actual childhood and my heartstrings tugged for him. I could never imagine life as a child without my siblings. Sure they quarrelled loads and at times pissed me off. But I loved them dearly.

Feeling a little sad for him, I reached out and took his hand in mine. His facial expression had turned into surprise before he squeezed onto my hand. However what he said about how his past had shaped him to be where he was today made curiosity burn.

I was curious as hell. Why did he have issues with his wolf? What was the story about his parents? His uncle? Cara did say that his father and uncle had a big part to play in whoever Kingston was today.

And that was when I had remembered that I could have asked him anything that day at the lake when I was attacked. So of course, I questioned him about it. And that lead me to asking him about his wolf.

The answer that Kingston gave was less than satisfactory but I wasn't going to push. Obviously whatever he had gone through must have been really hard to talk about. His body posture had been tensed, his eyes were cold and emotionless and it was as if he was reciting from a script.

What made me surprised was that he apologised. Apologised for everything that he had done to me. He had said it so sincerely with his grey eyes locked onto mine as they burned with an intensity so hot that I thought I would melt.

But one thing had tugged at me. Did Kingston really mean to hurt my brother if I had refused that day? I had to know. So I asked. Kingston's response surprised me once again. He had said that he didn't kill wolves that were under twenty.

However rumours claimed that Alpha Brendon Kingston had killed babies, toddlers, children. Any wolf of any age, he had killed at least one of each. But they were rumours. And I would be an idiot to believe them. After all, rumours were one-third true and two-thirds wrong.

And when he had asked for a second chance, for us to start our relationship over, I was stunned. I was lost for words. Because never in my life had I thought that Kingston would ask for that. I had thought that he would most likely just assume that we were okay and move on with it.

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