Chapter 4-The New Beginning

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Chapter 4-The New Beginning

Sydney Carrington's POV

I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling in front of me before paling. Jerking up from the bed, I looked around at my surroundings and my heart started beating even faster. I was in an unfamiliar room.

And with a sinking feeling in my stomach, me being mated to Alpha Kingston was not all just a terrible dream but it was my reality now.

I quickly looked down at myself and breathed out a sigh of relief when I realised I was still wearing the same white dress from that day. At least, Alpha Kingston wasn't that a monster to take his mating rights while I was out.

Looking at my surroundings, worry and anxiousness filled my being at the thought of being stuck here with Alpha Kingston for the rest of my life.

I couldn't stay here! I had a family to get to. And also Will. Oh god. Will. My heart broke a little at the thought of him. What was he thinking? Or feeling? How could I not have a choice in who I wanted to be with?

That was why the season started. So that every wolf could have a choice. In the past, parents would choose their children's mates for them. This happened for centuries until a violent war broke out. Eventually, everyone agreed that it was best if wolves would be able to have a choice in who they wanted to be with for the rest of their lives.

A tear rolled down my cheek and I clenched my fists as anger consumed me. I had to get out of here. I refused to accept that this was my life now. I had to go back to my family and Will.

I got out of the bed and looked around my room searching for a way to escape when suddenly an emotion that wasn't coming from me bloomed in my chest. Oh god. I had completely forgotten that now that our souls were linked, I could feel emotions from Alpha Kingston.

And if he were to mark me and even further, I would be able to hear some of his thoughts and vice versa. I quickly tried the main door and cursed under my breath when it was locked. Of course it was, what did I expect? I mumbled to myself before trying the windows.

And like the door, it was locked too. I cursed again and suddenly, the door burst open and I quickly jumped away from the windows as if I had done something I shouldn't.

I knew it was Alpha Kingston that had entered my room. My chest felt lighter from his near presence and I hated it. Wasn't I supposed to feel hatred towards him for ruining my life?

I kept my gaze to the ground, refusing to even look at my captor or mate. "You're awake." His voice rumbled out and I pressed my lips into a thin line to prevent myself from answering. I could feel annoyance and I knew that he was annoyed with me for ignoring him.

"Look at me." Those three simple words were filled with authority and I couldn't help but to obey. And once, I looked up, I was met with an intense gaze and one of the most beautiful faces I've ever seen.

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