Chapter 29-The Past

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Chapter 29-The Past

Sydney Carrington's POV

"What do you want to know?"

I glanced up at Brendon quickly before facing my mother. "I think I should get Sean and Sarah-"

"No. You cannot let them know I am still alive." My mother said firmly, her blue eyes narrowed at me. I frowned at her response, "Why not? You are their mother as wel-"

"Sydney! I mean it!" My mother snapped and I recoiled from her tone. I pressed my lips into a thin line as I stared at her. My heart was racing because it seemed that I didn't even know my mom anymore and the fact that what she could say would change everything I knew about my family.

My mother studied me and Brendon before she gripped onto the black cloak she had on. "Were you from the European pack?" Brendon questioned and I watched my mother look at him in slight distaste before nodding her head.

"Yes. Both your father and I were born here. Your father was the beta with Robert Kingston as Alpha. We moved to the North American pack when you were about four years old and Sarah was nine." My mother said quietly as her blue eyes stared at Brendon coldly.

Beside me, Brendon tensed as his father was mentioned and I frowned. "Then why is it that Sarah and I don't remember anything about that?"

My mother sighed, before meeting my gaze. "You see, your dad was a very well liked man. Unlike his father." She paused to give Brendon a sideway glance before continuing.

"That made the Alpha jealous. Of course, everyone knew about his indiscretions and how he mistreated Jalisca Kingston, his mother."

Kingston remained motionless beside me but I could sense where his thoughts were. I reached over to intertwine our fingers together to show that I was here with him. He didn't say a thing but tightened his grip on my hand as if he was drawing strength and comfort from me.

I could feel my mother's intense gaze on our laced hands before she continued, "Jalisca was my best friend and she hated Robert. Long story short, she always confided in me about things in her life. Obviously, Robert didn't like that. His pack preferred his beta-your father-over him and now his mate? But he knew that he couldn't maintain his power and control over the pack without Seth as Beta so he let things stay the same."

I could feel myself tensing and I could see that my mother was starting to choke up before she continued. "It was his brother that made everything change. Another Kingston, Richard Kingston, the younger brother of Robert Kingston was the one who planted the idea of getting rid of our entire family by staging a house fire." She sneered hatefully and paused.

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