Chapter 30-The Moment

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A/N: Hi guys quick note here. The slightly mature scene in this chapter has been removed. You can view the private chapter in a book I have published just for restricted chapters. Called Down & Dirty.



'Cause you're a hard soul to save, 

With an ocean in the way,

But I'll get around it, I'll get around it.

Florence + The Machine, Over The Love


All Rights Reserved

Chapter 30-The Moment

Sydney Carrington's POV

"I love you." He murmurs in my ear and I shut my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love you too." I mumbled back as he lay slow sweet kisses on the curve of my neck.


I sighed in content as the pleasure ebbed away and Brendon got off of me and lay down beside me before pulling me in his arms.

We were silent as we basked in the afterglow and occasionally, Brendon would leave loving kisses on my shoulder and back. Only when my breathing evened out that I turned around to face Brendon with a small smile on my face.

The only emotion I could feel was the love for this man and how he had changed my life. Without hesitation, I leaned my head up and brushed my lips against his before murmuring, "I love you."

Brendon pressed his lips against mine and gripped tighter onto my waist as it was already slung over me before replying gruffly, "I love you too."

With that, I sighed in content and shut my eyes as I leaned into his embrace and fell asleep.


Opening my eyes, I blinked sleepily before stretching my deliciously sore muscles before looking at the body beside mine. Brendon's eyes were shut and he was snoring a little with a heavy arm slung around my waist. We were still naked under the sheets and I was glad that I was in his arms considering that he was giving out so much warmth since the weather was cool.

I shifted on the bed before I snuggled even more into his arms. Contented beyond belief, I shut my eyes and curled up even closer to him. Last night was perfect. He was perfect. It was even better than I thought it would be.

I gazed at my left hand where his name was scrawled on with thick black ink and traced it with my fingers from my left hand. After, I slowly reached up to the right side of my neck and touched the mark where Brendon had bitten me again last night.

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