Chapter 17-The Wolves

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Chapter17-The Wolves 

Sydney Carrington's POV 

"No, please please go away!" Sarah groaned in annoyance as she entered the kitchen. I watched in amusement as Rhett entered soon after.  

"I'm thinking of something that you should do with me. It's a four letter word and it starts with the letter 'F'." Rhett says as he stole a piece of bacon from my plate.  

Sarah grimaced as she crossed her arms over her chest, "You are disgusting!"  

Rhett smirked and shrugged, "Feed. Feed me, I'm hungry. What word did you think it was?" 

I stifled back a laugh and Sean choked on his cereal. "That was stupid." He groaned and Rhett glared at him, "Shut it." 

Sarah on the other hand was trying not to laugh but failed as a wry smile crossed her face. "You're so ridiculous." Rhett flashed her a charming grin. "I know."  

I smirked inwardly, even though Sarah denied it vehemently, it was clear that there was something going on between her and Rhett. And it seemed as if Sean felt the same way because he wrinkled his nose. "Gross, if you two want to flirt, do it when I'm not here."  

Immediately, Sarah coloured up and glared at Sean and the arguing started. Once the arguing stopped, Sarah groaned angrily and stalked out of the room with Sean following to goad her even more.  

"So, what's going on between you and my sister?" I asked curiously as I ate the lunch that I had cooked. Kingston was away for another meeting with the leaders and well Rhett skipped feigning illness. 

Rhett shrugged and flashed a charming grin at me, "Nothing. Like I said she's pretty as you." I snorted and crossed my arms, "You're funny, but not that funny, come on, spill. What's up with you two? I've never seen you chasing after a girl so hard."  

At this, Rhett scowled at me and made a face. "Yeah exactly, why is your sister so stubborn?" I burst into laughter at that and shook my head, "You're that interested? I assumed that you would have given up when my sister wasn't going to give into you."  

Rhett snorted and crossed his arms, "She'll give in." He said stubbornly as a determined expression crossed his face. Suddenly he grumbled, "Why are you Carrington women so stubborn?"  

I shot him a scowl. "What?" 

A sly grin crossed Rhett's face as an innocent one took over, "I mean with you and Brendon. Like he's really making an effort with you and you're still in your old room."  

I raised an eyebrow before rolling my eyes. "I don't see how is that any of your business Mr. I Can't Seem To Chase A Girl But I'm A Player." I mocked playfully and Rhett shot me a smug look before standing up abruptly.  

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