Part 8- Hello Noel

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I knew I needed to leave soon. That sexy little bathroom stunt Shelly pulled would have derailed a lesser person. But I am not a lesser person.

I was looking forward to meeting with Noel again. I looked around the room, careful not to make direct eye contact with anyone for too long. I only wanted to talk to one person. Where was he? The room was filled to capacity. Jazz musicians played on the recently vacated stage. Wine and drinks were still flowing. Little finger foods and desserts were being passed around and the atmosphere was exuberant. There was a lot of... this room, that's for sure.

Suddenly, there was a lot of jostling and people rearranging themselves near me.

A tall elderly gentleman Shelly was flirting with, called out to Noel, bringing him into a hardy embrace. It was obvious they were old friends. They spoke briefly about a business matter and then shared a laugh. The elderly gentleman took it upon himself to introduce everyone in his close proximity to the Savior of Metropolis Prime. I turned away as the introductions were being made to set the glass of wine I had been nursing down on the bar.

I turned back around just as the intros got to me and extended my hand, smiling
"Hello Mr. Peterson, I'm Kelissa Hill. Wonderful speech."

Noel's eyes widened as recognition seeped in and he politely took my hand, but did not readily release it.

"Call me Noel" His eyes raked over my body with a hunger I had not expected causing a momentary flutter in my stomach and a little moisture between my legs.

"Lovely dress and that pendant." Noel paused. "It is very interesting" he cranes his neck a bit to get a better look.

Damn she looks smoking hot and I asked her to meet me for coffee. I should have had her with me on my arm tonight. I had no idea she cleaned up this nice. This is going to be a long, lonely night. Noel thought.

It doesn't have to be I whispered in his mind.

But maybe it doesn't have to be...He thought as he considered his options

"It's a family heirloom. It was my mother's." I said absently reaching up to trace the circle of silver as it lay enticingly between my breasts. His eyes... and a few others watching my every move.

" Can I get you a drink?" Noel swallowed hard.

"Oh no thank you. I have one" Retrieving my hand back from Noel I slowly turned around so they could all have a gander at my fantastic ass-tributes. I reached for my glass of wine that was on the bar. Noel imagined tracing the curve of my spine with a piece of ice in his mouth then placing a kiss where he ended up sending a little tingle up my spine.

I was flooded with mental cat calls, Damn's and some other things too perverted to repeat.
Really.. old dude? now that is just nasty!...yuck! I shiver mentally

Oh... you want to know what he was thinking? Let's just say it involved his cane...moving right along

I quickly tuned then all out and focused on Noel. Noel made a noise in his mind that sounded suspiciously like a growl. I must admit it was sexy. Primal even. Laced with need and it made me a little wet. This night was shaping up rather nicely.

Turning back around I said "I like your bow tie. It's very sexy. Did you tie it yourself?" remembering he was worried about it earlier when I accidentally ported into his shower. I sipped my wine waiting for his response. "Yes, yes I did" He said with a satisfied smile. A bit of sadness crept in at the end as his mind flashed back to when his wife tied his bow ties. She was lovely from what I could briefly see. Nothing like the country bumpkin type Shelly alluded too.

See how catty women can be for no good reason?

I reached up to touch it to bring his mind back to the present. He smiled. The brief wash of sadness gone. I allowed my hand to linger, then slowly drew my hand down his chest to rest over his heart. It picked up speed. And there it was again. That rushing sound in my ears and I could hear his pulse. I moved my hand away and it subsided. My stomach knotted again, like it had in the coffee shop. I felt warm, warmer than usual.

Breathe girl, Just breathe. I took a slow steady breath hoping my face did not relay anything was wrong. But I was wrong.

"Are you okay Miss Hill?" Noel asked

"Fine, I'm fine. Maybe just a bit too much wine for one night. I think I'll get some water" I smiled, turned and put the wine glass back on the counter, just as that pesky ache returned in my gums.

Can I ever catch a break?!

To the bartender " a glass of Fillico please" He brought out the beautiful chess piece shaped bottles and looked expectantly towards Noel who nodded. It would be a shame to drink such expensive water alone. After a few sips of water I felt a little better, my stomach settled and the ache in my teeth subsided. The roaring of Noel's pulse in my ears was much less evident.

 ©Venis Nytes 

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~if you like this story and enjoy reading it visit my website Blog After Midnight for the uncensored version on and to continue reading the rest of the story. Please remember this is an 18+ site and this is a fun, erotic, paranormal fiction story~

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