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Writer's note: it's a bit late and after the fact, but I finally wrote a prologue. This should be read first. Enjoy!

A/N: Dear readers,
Please note, I began writing this story over 6 years ago. I started in Sept 2015 before I had any idea of the horrors of Covid 19. I had to stop writing completely due to becoming a full-time caregiver for my in-laws. I resumed working on my again in September 2020. Since then the story has been changed significantly. I have taken all of my novel-length stories offline to work on the version that will be published. Here, I am sharing the original and extremely rough first draft versions. Basically, I worked out the bones of the story and the adult interactions since it was my first time writing erotic stories. 

* You will notice tense, pov, grammatical, and editing issues. Hopefully, enough of the story shines through to get an idea of the story I am attempting to tell and some of the characters. This story contains explicit, and graphic detail of sexual acts, adult themes, and situations. It was originally going to be a short story. Please do not read if this type of writing is not your cup of tea. *The name of the book and the book cover has also been changed. If you manage to get through this rough draft there are two bonus chapters. Thank you for reading.



Year 3013

Evolv Industries

Cryo-Sleep Lab sector B

"Hey, there sleepy head wake up!" Caterina said right in my ear.

I open my eyes to see Caterina standing over me. She was smiling and grinning like a Cheshire cat. I playfully swatted at her as I slowly awakened and became aware of my surroundings. She easily ducked away. Her laugh tinkled lightly through the lab.

In the background, I could hear Lance, at his desk furiously typing on his keyboard. At least this time when I woke up, I had been dressed. I was not sure for how long I had been in sleep state, but I knew, if I was awake, I had a new assignment waiting for me.

"Sorry, your nap was so short this time. Just three months. We brought you down because we need you to go to Metropolis Prime." Lance said from behind his console.

Down? That means they stored me in the Atmosphere Hub. Guess they thought they were not going to need me for a while.

"Hello to you too Lance," I said in a snarky voice before puking. Cryo-Sleep was a bear on my stomach and worse when you came back from the Hub. Cryo-Sleep kept us looking youthful and was more cost-effective than the expenses and unknowns that could occur in normal everyday life. I was fine with it now because it is all I have known since they acquired me at age 12 from the orphanage. The Atmosphere Hub was shaped to look like, and it was partially a satellite. No one except assets, handlers, and Evolv Core Members knew what it really was.

The first time was scary, and I was plagued by dreams I could not escape. I was not able to be put in the field right away until they fixed the issue and made sure that I was totally mentally stable.

Now there is never any memory, no dreaming. There is nothing.

"We only have 12 days to get you ready." Caterina chimed in, tapping her clear tablet screen after I stopped vomiting. "Let's get you cleaned up, some food in you, and get you on the treadmill." Ever the absolute professional, Caterina did not waste time or words. The science came first, everything else second.

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