Part 9- And Away I Go

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 Finishing my water, I made a move as if I needed to leave. "I apologize. I am meeting someone, " I announced, "...I don't want to be late"

He looked momentarily surprised. I hope he has not forgotten our coffee date.

"Let me walk you to the lobby." he offered. I took his arm as he proceeded to lead me to the lobby.

I waved goodbye to Shelly as she covered her mouth and stretched her eyes wide in facetious surprise. I allowed him to lead and steer me through the crowd. It was more of a parting of the People Sea as everyone gave him space as we came through. A few stepped forward to clasp his back or shake his hand and reassure him they would make a sizable donation. He smiled and gave all of the expected courtesies.

"I had no idea you would be here this evening. I must say I was more than pleasantly surprised." Noel stopped walking. I turned to face him.

"I had no idea we were going to the same thing. I was a co-workers plus 1. You on the other, were the man of the hour. I am still not sure we are at the same event." I said, a smile in my voice.

"Yeah,... that," He said looking down at his Salvatore Ferragamo shoes and rubbing the back of his neck, "I don't know what all that hype is about. I am a simple guy who likes a few niceties."

"Who may have saved a life or two." I added

"There's that" He agreed, looking down at his shoes he shuffled his feet, shoving his hands in his pockets.

We both laughed. If what they were saying about him was true. He had done no small thing and he was not some ordinary guy. 

"So what is it you do Mr. Peterson?" I asked

"I am a scientist. Specifically more of a biologist. I try to develop vaccines to keep Metropolis Prime safe. Sometimes I do okay...sometimes I don't." He said looking up. Noel looked past me and ever so slightly shook his head. I gave him a questioning look before turning my head to see what or whom had caught his attention. I looked back at him as he answered my unspoken question.

"My security detail just checking on me." He paused "They are annoying at times."

" You are obviously a very important man, an asset to Metropolis Prime." I said, "Now what did I overhear someone call you....Oh yes, The savior of Metropolis Prime" I finished with a smile

"So you have heard that huh?" He was actually embarrassed. " I have nothing to do with that and it is certainly not true.  I just lent my support to finding a vaccine..." 

"Saving hundreds of thousands of lives" I finished

"Yeah I guess." he mumbled But not the two that mattered most. he said to himself 

We made small talk. About what, I don't know. I was too busy wondering if his bow tie would be long enough for later tonight....

She is really beautiful and her laugh is so sexy.

Noel spoke suddenly like he had just remembered something "You said you were meeting someone and I promised to get you to the lobby." He grabbed my hand and continued down the hall towards the lobby.
"He's a lucky guy"

"Who?" I said playing along

"The guy that you are going to meet."

"I would definitely say so. Noel I have had a lovely time but I really need to get going. I would not want to keep him waiting. I mean I could call and cancel but I don't have his understand? Don't you?" I said in my most apologetic voice.

"Of course, we couldn't have you stand the poor guy up." He bantered right back.

We finally reached the lobby. Instead of stopping in the lobby, Noel sped up slightly nearly dragging me towards the front door causing the doorman and valet to scurry into action.

"What are you doing?" I asked a little unnerved by this sudden rash behavior. I wasn't in his mind at the moment and decided not to peek and allow myself to be surprised. It's not fun if you know everything all of the is it.

"Making sure you are not late for your date." He answered smiling wickedly

A hired car pulled up to the curb and the driver rushed around to open the door for us. After assisting me inside the car Noel shut the door behind me and spoke briefly to the driver. The driver got in and pulled off into traffic, leaving Noel on the curb, heading away from Metropolis Prime. I assumed we would just go around the block and come back for him and have a good laugh but that was not the case at all.

"No worries Miss, I will get you to your destination on time." the driver reassured me.

"Benton Street right, the little coffee shop over there is one of my favorites. Ooh... looks like we have bit of traffic but we will still meet your schedule." The driver promised.

"Thank you" I said reaching up to close the privacy glass.

Obviously Mr. Peterson liked playing games. So I sat back and enjoyed the ride in the luxury car. It had been a bit of a trying day anyways and honestly I needed the solitude to recenter and focus. I ran my tongue over my teeth. Nothing out of the ordinary, just a small ache remained. I was going to probably need to make an appointment with the dentist soon. But for now, I would need to be on my toes for wherever and whatever this night would bring me.

 ©Venis Nytes 

~Thank you for reading my story I hope you are enjoying it so far. Please vote and share! Let me know what you think so far! 

Please don't forget to vote and share. I like hearing your positive feedback and comments. Please make sure this story gets to all of your friends. I am preparing to write the second half of the story soon.

~if you like this story and enjoy reading it visit my website Blog After Midnight for the uncensored version on and to continue reading the rest of the story. Please remember this is an 18+ site and this is a fun, erotic, paranormal fiction story~

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