Part 3- Downsides

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The sound of sirens, the never-ending hum of electric cars, horns blaring, and animated chatter float into my ears and attempt to tease me awake. These are the usual Saturday morning sounds of the metropolis I am now calling home. Lower Metropolis Prime, to be exact. I resist the notion of waking up and protest by squeezing my eyes shut tighter.

The window. I mumble to myself.

I left the window open to the balcony. Crap, I don't want to get up yet. Why can't I just think it shut or wave my hand. I have all these neat new abilities I should be able to do something like close a window right?

I am not tired, I just don't have any pressing issues right now and the bed is super comfy. Besides I am still feeling the lingering effects of last night.

Mmmmm, Noel is definitely yummy.

I halfheartedly flick my wrist outward. Nothing.

Yeah like that's gonna work. I think to myself.

I flip my wrist down and think down simultaneously and the window bangs shut startling me out of the bed. I stand there staring at the now-closed window with my mouth open.

As if it were in awe too, my towel slips to the floor and I am now naked. Naked and intrigued.

Stepping over the towel on the floor, I walk over to the window and it is indeed shut.

Shut, but not locked.

So I concentrate on the locks, flicking my wrist to and fro, up and down.
Finally, I blow on it. What?!  You never watched the 5th Element? It might have worked and you would have been impressed! ....
Okay, so...No.... that didn't work either.

I tried to visualize myself locking the window. The latch started to inch forward but it was difficult. It was actually heavy, like lifting a weight. Beads of sweat were forming on my lip and temples from the effort I was exerting. Just a little more and I will have it I grunted through clenched teeth. Almost there The lock rewarded me by moving incrementally forward.

Lissa Noel thought. My body reacted to hearing him call my name. Involuntarily contracting. I must still be connected to him.
"What the hell!?'' I said in exasperation.

My concentration broken, the latch returned to its original position with a smug click. I blinked to refocus. Feeling slightly deflated and sweaty, I looked up from the latch and out the window. I meet my neighbor's eyes as he is standing in his window eating a bowl of cereal with a stupid grin on his face. To my dismay and my neighbor's pleasure, I look down. I remember that I am still naked. Naked, sweaty, and a little peeved. We continue staring at each other. I roll my eyes at him and reward him with a bird and a smile.

Manually flipping the latches on the window with a bit of an attitude, I snatch the curtains closed and head once again to the bathroom. On my way in I swipe at the sweat on my lip. A flash of red catches my eye as I drop my hand down. Now what? I think as I flip on the light and look in the mirror, Hmmph, My freaking nose is bleeding. Not bad, but a little trickle. Hope I didn't break something I am gonna need later.

Back in the shower, the hot water soothes me and the glass enclosure is shrouded in steam. I close my eyes and rinse my face in the stream of hot water. Then... I smell him. 

Noel, I think happily to myself. His bodywash, the male muskiness that is uniquely his own. The water seems to have gotten colder. I open my eyes. I blink.

No, No..... This isn't right! I see him. No, not in my mind. I am not in my shower.

I'm in his.

Oh my God! I am in his shower!

My heart is beating 50 miles a minute. He is right in front of me! Oh no! Can he see me? I think in a panic. I am holding my breath, afraid to breathe.

Afraid to move.

Wait, I am behind him. Calm down. Breathe. He hasn't turned around yet. Lucky for me.

The lukewarm water is a bit cooler coming off of him and I shiver. I also take a minute to appraise his very fit backside and notice his shower is quite a bit roomier than mine. I look into his mind.
He is busy washing and thinking about his speech for later today. I gotta pick up my suit and tie. I hope I can get the damn thing straight this time. I pull out of his mind just as he thinks about me again.

Damn, why can't I get her out of my mind He thinks as he runs his hand up and down his stomach then travels his thickening length. I got a few minutes.

I have got to get out of here. I think in a panic.

I squeeze my eyes shut and imagine my shower stall, my loofah, my body wash and when I open them, I am safe and sound back at home, in my own shower. The water is nice and hot like I like it. Tears well up in my eyes. That could have turned out so much worse. I mean, what if he had seen me? How would I explain how I got in his shower?!

Remember those downsides I mentioned reader? Yeah this would be one of them.

Like a junkie, fiendish for another fix, I reach out to touch Noel's mind. The familiar tingling starts in my lower abdomen. I feel flushed and my center contracts violently. I am with him again in his fantasy. I feel his hands all over my body. His lips...Oh, his lips are everywhere, burning a trail of fire down toward my belly button. I cup my center with my hand as if to block his entrance.

No, I whimper, Not now, and sink to the floor of the shower stall. I pull my mind away from his.

After allowing myself a few more languid moments of pity, I get up off the shower floor and quickly wash myself up and exit the stall. I grab a fresh towel from the linen closet and dry myself off. A quick check in the mirror confirms my nose bleed has stopped and I am now staring into two very sad brown eyes. I should be enjoying the fact that I can move between spaces like that.

"There are a million applications for a talent like that," I say in my best Siri voice.

I keep thinking I am going to pop up in hell and not be able to pop back out. I just wish there was someone to help me go through this. It might be a little more fun that way...Maybe.

I picked up my toothbrush and switched it on. As soon as I touched my gums with the bristles it hurt. Not like a small pain, but a really bad, searing, like, run, don't walk to the nearest dentist hurt. I switched off the toothbrush and gingerly touched my gum. It felt swollen. I looked in the mirror and pulled up my lip to see if I could figure out what the heck was happening.

My gums were moving. 

My gums are moving! I screamed in my head. My eyes were wide with terror.

They were swelling and receding and then re-expanding again. The pain in my gums built quickly until it was overbearing. Rocking back and forth, holding my hand over my mouth, I screamed into my hand.

I screamed and cried.

My stomach contracted and I felt I was going to be sick, I ran to the toilet and retched. Dry heaving repeatedly produced nothing but a little food I had eaten yesterday, bile and spittle. Eventually, I threw up blood when there was nothing left in my gut.

Not sure if you are keeping track reader...downside.

©Venis Nytes

Please don't forget to vote and share. I like hearing your positive feedback and comments. Please make sure this story gets to all of your friends. I am preparing to write the second half of the story soon. Update, I have done some major re-writing of the story I started 5 years ago. The new stuff shows in the prologue up to chapter 2.  I will be finishing the book offline. Chapter 3 forward is basically a version of the original early first drafts.

The original first draft is on my blog at Blog After Midnight. The story has changed and expanded and is no longer in the same order. Please remember this is an 18+ site and this is a fun, steamy, paranormal fiction story~

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