Part 12-

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  Author's notes- This part picks up at the end of part 8 on Venis Nytes Writes after the intimate part of the night.

Funny how I fantasized being a vampire would be cool. I watched those old Twilight movies and read all of the classic historical vampire fiction from writers like Anne Rice, JR Ward, Laurell K Hamilton, Ellen Schrieber, and Christine Feehan when I was in training school.

This...This did not feel anything like what they described. Not like I want to sparkle and shit or even have to lay in the dirt. OMG! that would so not happen.

And now knowing what they expect from me. I needed to make contact. Someone had some explaining to do. I know it's against protocol to return during an assignment but these fuckers truly have me flapping in the wind.

I looked over at Noel as he slept peacefully unaware. He was a beautiful sight. I lightly touched his arm feeling the smooth skin that covered his muscular frame. I need answers if they want me to finish this assignment. Closing my eyes, I finally fell asleep.    

 To be continued...
© Venis Nytes  

~ I know this is short, but now that you are all caught up enjoy the next part! Thanks for hanging in there 

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~if you like this story and enjoy reading it visit my blog Venis Nytes Writes to continue reading the rest of the story. 

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