Chapter 17: No Don't

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"I have so much to tell you guys, so—"  Sam says as he opens the door and begins to walk in.  He stops mid-sentence once he realizes Dean and I are laying together in bed practically naked. 

His big eyes widen even bigger and his jaw drops as he yells in shock, "OH MY GOD, WHAT THE—WHAT THE HELL YOU GUYS.  YOU BOTH CAN GO FIND DINNER YOURSELF, IM GOING TO EAT SOMEWHERE ALONE."  He scream as his face turns bright red. He goes right back out the door and shuts it loudly and quickly.  Dean looks over at me and shrugs, we both begin to laugh.

Imagine seeing your brother in bed with a girl after hot sex—naked.  Good times, man.  Poor Sam.

Dean has the best smile and the best laugh in the world. I giggle once more. "Alright, let's get dressed and go get something to eat. You wanna go to a little diner or order some takeout?" He asks as he slowly gets up out of bed, putting some sweat pants on. I'm distracted for a moment as I watch him, his muscles flaunting in front of my eyes—making me want him all over again.

I sit up and pull my hair into a high ponytail. "A little diner sounds good to me." I say with a smile, getting up out of bed. Dean nods as he walks into the bathroom.

I walk over to my bag and pull out some clothes to change into.  I put on some leggings, combat boots, and a red flannel.  I keep my hair up in a high ponytail.  "I think it's a little cold out there so make sure you bring a jacket."  Dean says as he walks out of the bathroom with a black v-neck on and dark jeans.  He looks hot—as always.  My eyes can't help but be glued to him.

I nod as I pick up my leather jacket and throw it over my arm.  "Hopefully Sam didn't take the car so we don't have to walk."  Dean says as he looks around for the keys but he realizes Sam most definitely did take the car. "Dammit. Oh well, we'll just walk." He says as he slips on his jacket and opens the door for me. I look at him and smile as I walk out past him. He shuts the door behind us and we head out past the parking lot and onto the sidewalk.

[[ "Shook" -by DRALMS ]]

I notice there's a lot of woods around us. It's so dark outside because of the clouds, the moonlight is covered. I put on my jacket and Dean wraps his arm around me as we walk. The air is so cold that when the both of us exhale you can see our breath making smokey clouds in front of us.

"So, what do you think?" Dean asks.  I continue to watch ahead of us as we walk, a confused expression forming on my face.  "What do I think about what?"  I ask.  Dean chuckles slightly, squeezing me a little tighter with his arm that rests around me.  "This life, being on the road with Sam and I."  He says as we turn a corner.  I smile warmly, "I honestly really like it.  It's fun when we aren't almost dying.  And when we are almost dying it gets my adrenaline going and I feel like such a badass."  I admit.  Dean looks over at me.  "Don't you ever get scared?"  He asks.  I shake my head slowly.  "No, no I don't.  I feel safe with you and Sam." 

Dean's smile fades and his expression becomes serious.  "You know I—Sam and I would never, ever let anything happen to you.  Right?"  He reassures me, which I already know.  I nod, smiling as I look at him confidently.

We walk a for a few minutes down the road and through a couple parking lots until we finally find a small diner. "How about we eat there?" He asks, pointing to it.  I nod in agreement.

We walk inside and there aren't many people here. We walk over to a booth and take a seat. "I swear there are no people in this town. It seems so...abandoned, or something. It's so sketchy. It wouldn't surprise me that there'd be some weird ass monsters marking their territory here." Dean says as the waitress makes her way over to us. "Hi, I'm Amy, I'll be your waitress for tonight. What can I get you all to drink?" She asks in an incredibly strong southern accent. Dean smiles, "I'll take a beer. She'll have water." Dean says, ordering for me. I give him an annoyed smirk but I don't argue—he knows me well already.

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