Chapter 18: They're Gonna Wish They Hadn't

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[[All credit of the photo above for this chapter goes to the person who made it which is not me!]]

I wake up to what looks like an old living room in an abandoned home.  There are lights and candles lit all around me.  As I become conscious, everything is a bit blurry at first and I try my best to make out my surroundings.

I see Dean, still unconscious, tied to a chair a couple feet away from me.  A rope is tied tightly around me, stopping me from my escape.  I feel pain shoot throughout my thigh area and I look down to see a large wound. 

What the hell?  What was the purpose of that?  Just torture? 

I place my hand over my wound to try and stop the bleeding.  I look over at Dean and attempt to wake him.  "Dean, Dean!  Dean please, you've gotta get up."  My whispers get louder each time but I try to keep quiet just in case the crazies who attacked us are nearby or possibly in the next room. 

I continuously whisper Dean's name over and over until finally—he begins to move. He lets out a small groan as he moves around in his chair.  Sweat drips from his face as his hands slightly pull at the ropes.  His eyes slowly begin to open as he becomes more and more aware. "Dean!" I whisper loudly. He looks at me a moment as if he is trying to focus and what happened to us is slowly coming back to him.

He blinks repeatedly and shakes his head, pulling at his ropes in an attempt to get out of the chair. The ropes hold him back and he pulls hard against them, his strong muscles flexing but being no match for his hold.

His hands remain in angry fists, and he looks over at me again—a look of panic begins to form in his green eyes. "Are you okay?" He asks. I slowly nod, still a little weak.  He notices my wound and the bleeding, and I see a fire light inside of his eyes. "Oh my God. I'm gonna kill em'. They're fucking dead. I will rip them apart." He says with a quick anger and rage that I haven't seen quite yet. He pulls again at his ropes, attempting to escape once more.  "It's no use, I tried."  I groan. 

"That waitress that we had, the one that was hitting on you during dinner, she was the one who attacked you."  I let him know.  He shakes his head over and over.  "Dammit I should've paid more attention.  I guarantee you the both of them that brought us here are Arachnes."  Dean says as he begins to scan our surroundings.  He begins to try and search through the back of his pant pockets.  After a few minutes his eyes become wide and almost seem to light up.  "Elena—I've got a knife."  He whispers.  I gasp, "Thank God!"  My voice comes out as a loud whisper.

He slowly begins to cut at the rope from behind him, going over it like a saw.

I look around us as Dean cuts at his ropes, watching the doorway to see if anyone is coming. I look back at Dean as he progressively gets faster, trying his hardest to hurry up and get out so he can help me and we can get the hell out of here. Through the closed doorway footsteps are heard creaking as if they're being made on an old hardwood floor. I jump slightly in panic while Dean freezes. He looks over at the doorway and then back at me. I keep my eyes glued to Dean, using him as an example as to how I should be reacting. He knows how to act in situations like these.

Dean bites his bottom lip and he quickly but quietly rips at the ropes, breaking out of them. I quietly exhale in relief and Dean slowly gets up from his chair and makes his way over to me. I keep a watch on the door. "You have your gun, right?" I whisper to Dean. He comes up behind me and starts to untie my ropes. "You bet, babe." He whispers into my ear—his lips brushing across it a he leans his head against mine.

As soon as he gets me untied, I run my hands and fingertips around my sore and red wrists. The ropes had been tied so tight that they left scrapes and rashes on my wrists, as they also did to Dean's. Dean comes to the front of me and kneels down, facing me. He looks at me with sympathy and sadness. He lifts his hand and takes a look at the wound on my leg.  He touches me with such tenderness and care, despite the situation we were in he almost immediately makes me feel like I'm okay.

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