The Test

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*Maya's pov*
As I pace across my bedroom floor I think to myself, how could I have been so stupid doing that with him that night??? I should've never let it get that far... And now there's that possibility that I could potentially be having his baby...
I think waiting to get the results from the pregnancy test...
5 minutes go by and I force myself to look at it. The result on this test could potentially change my life forever. I hope I fail this test, like most of the other tests I have taken at school. I pick up the test and read the results. POSITIVE of course the one test I don't fail is my pregnancy test telling me that I am pregnant with his baby. All I can think of is what am I going to do? How will I tell him that I am pregnant with his baby? The thought of telling him and him possibly leaving me and our baby brings tears to my eyes... How can I face him at school today? I get ready and head to school.
*Riley's pov*
Maya is my best friend so I can tell when something is bothering her. She can't fool me by saying nothing is wrong. There is definitely something wrong with her, she never said a word to him and during history class today she just ran out of the classroom. She never even asked permission to leave the room... My dad sends me after her, which means I am going to find out what is wrong. As I run after her, I see she runs into the bathroom. So I follow her. "Maya?" I said sounding worried. "Go away Riley." She said before she continued to puke into the trash can.I go over and hold her hair up for her and when she is finally finished puking her guts out I asked her what was going on.
*Maya's pov*
I'm sitting in mr. Matthews history class, sorta listening to his lecture when I suddenly feel a wave of nausea come over me. I know I can't hold it in, I get up and dash for the bathroom without getting permission to leave the classroom. Once I get into the bathroom and start puking my guts out into the trash can I hear the bathroom door open and Riley comes in. "Maya?" She said worried. "Go away Riley" I say before feeling another wave of nausea coming over me. I suddenly feel Riley holding my hair back. When I finally finished I slide down the wall. Riley sat down next to me, "Maya what is going on, why are you throwing up?" She asked me. I looked at her about to answer and I broke into tears, I had no idea how to tell her that I was pregnant. So I got up and ran out of the bathroom and out of school faster than I have ever ran before.
Hey guys so this is the very first chapter. I'm still trying to figure out how this story should go so let me know what you think of it so far in the comments.

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