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*Maya's POV*
As I search around for any clues of where I could be I start to think about Lucas, Riley, Farkle, and everyone else who is worried about me. I can only hope that using the find my iPhone app will give them my exact location so Lucas can save me from this horrible, scary situation I'm in. As I think more and more, i start to feel like I'm a disney princess who has been kidnapped by an evil sourcerous and then locked in a tower, hidden from the world, so no one can get me. Until my knight in shining armor comes and rescues me from the tower, we fall madly in love and live happily ever after. I hear this loud growl and I spin around to see if anyone is there, I soon remember that I never had breakfast, we were supposed to have breakfast with Minnie, Mickey, Goofy, Pluto, Whinnie the pooh, Piglet and Tigger when we got into the park but we never made it in since my evil sourcerous kidnapped me before I could get back to my loving boyfriend. My thoughts are disrupted by the song of my phone going off. The noise scares me, every little noise is scaring me, it's probably just a fear that someone is going to hurt me, I know I will feel safe when Lucas comes and rescues I have always felt safe when I'm with him. When I look at my phone I see it's a message in the group chat from Lucas.

The text messages back and forth)
L- guys I have great news!
R- okay what is it?
L- I have tracked down Maya's phone!
R- YAY!!!!!
L- well her phone is at 365 west castle street but that doesn't mean she is with her phone for all we know her "father" could have left it there to send us on a wild goose chase.
I quickly respond back .
M- guys I am with my phone and my "father" is tied up. Lucas where are you compared to where I am ? Like how long will it take you to come rescue me?
L- princess it would take me about 32 minutes...
M- okay then freaking come rescue me.My knight in shining armor!!
L- OKAY princess
M- and bring me FOOD I NEED TO EAT!!!!
(End of texts)
As I wait for lucas I think about everything that has happened in the past year; I got pregnant with my boyfriends son, I got kidnapped by my "father" and I went to Disney world for the first time in my life my life has been a huge rollar coaster but in the end I love my life and I am
absolutely ready to concur what the new year brings.
*Luca's POV*
I track down Maya's phone using the find my iPhone app. When I find out where it is, I quickly send a group message letting everyone know that I found her phone, when I figured out where she was I talked to Mr.Matthews about how I was going to get to her we had only taken one car, it was the one we were renting and I'm not old enough to drive a rental car. He said that he would drive me to where Maya is but he wasn't going to leave Riley and Farkle in magic kingdom, Riley was saying that she wanted to go to the pool, so Mr.Matthews drove Riley and Farkle back to the hotel so they could go swimming and then he and I went to go rescue Maya. We stopped and picked up chick fil'a for Maya since she hasn't eaten we picked up food for us to. The car ride felt like forever we finally arrive at thew place where Maya is, I text Maya. Your knight in shinning armor has come to rescue you from the evil sourcerous. I get a response almost immediately, "did my knight bring their prince and princess food?"
I respond back "yes however the knight has no idea how to get to his princess". As I look at what looked to be an abandoned building I try to figure out how I will get in, however I don't know where Maya is exactly. So when I see a broken window that I can fit through I hand Mr.Matthews the food and I climb through the window, once in the room Mr.Matthews hands me the food and then he comes through the window. When we are both in the room we agree to search for Maya together so I turn my phone flashlight on and I find the door to get out of the room we walk down the halls calling Maya's name. We get to a door that looks as if it has been opened recently, it's slightly open so I figure knowing Maya, her "father" was having trouble getting her to cooperate and didn't realize he left the door open just slightly. So I open it more and see the shadow of a figure who looked to be not moving on the floor. "Please don't be Maya on the floor" I think as I fear that the non moving figure could be a dead body. As I open the door just a bit more I see another smaller looking shadow near the wall, I shine my flashlight towards the wall and I see something that brakes my heart. An extremely frightened Maya staring at the light in the door way, "princess it's me , your knight in shining armor come to the door way" I whisper through the door Maya slowly walks past the person on the floor. I open the door and she comes to my chest I wrap my arms around her and hug her tightly however not so tight that I would hurt her. She cries into my chest I can tell she is scared out of her mind so I softly whisper into her ear "ready to go back to the hotel? You can eat in the car". "Definitely but what are we going to do about him?" She asks motioning to the figure lying on the ground. "We can call the police and let them deal with him..." I say "okay but he's tied up so they might have a hard time with him" so said passionately. When we get out of the building and finally into the car I call the police and tell them everything, they say they'll deal with him so I gave them the exact location of where he was and they told us to leave the premises. We do as we are told and leave Maya cuddles up next to me in the back seat of the car and eats her food. "Hey Lucas?" She says with a questioning voice,"yeah?" I respond . when you found where I was why did you say," princess it's me , your knight in shining armor?" " she asks . I said that so you would know it was me and not someone who was helping with your kidnapping" I say, "I wanted you to know you were safe and not be as scared" "okay" she says joyfully. "Everyone was worried about you". "I'm so glad you're safe now". Maya falls asleep with her head on my shoulder, when we finally get to the hotel she is still asleep, so I decide to let her sleep and I pick her up bridal style and I rest her head up against my chest. "Maya as long as I have you nothing in this world can tear this love apart" I whisper to her as I take her to the bed in her hotel room Riley is reading in her bed and jumps up when she see's me walk in with Maya asleep in my arms Riley knows not to be loud since she knows Maya has had a rough day when I set Maya down on the bed I lay down next to her so when she wakes up she sees me and isn't in a room she has no idea how she got there. "I love you so much Maya" I say before I drift off to sleep.

Hey guys so I have a question for all of you, my younger brother has since created a wattpad account, he really wanted to be able to read this story. Yes my brother is a Lucaya shipper . he wants to start writing a story on wattpad but has no idea what his story should be about, so I'd you could do me a favor and comment some ideas for a story. If you comment a story idea that he likes and ends up writing then you will be mentioned on both his book and this book. His account is PatrickGrubel so go follow him and help us out with some book ideas you think people would want to read. Also go follow LoveNikkiStoriesand Megluvstoread they are two of my good friends and they are awesome.
Also if we get a lot of comments, votes and people following these 3 accounts then I will try my best to update the next chapter tomorrow.

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