Telling Katy and Shawn (chapter 5)

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*Maya's POV*
It's thanksgiving day and Lucas is at my house. We have decided that we are telling my mom and shawn first then we will tell everyone else about the pregnancy. I'm not a huge fan of turkey so Lucas is making waffles for dinner. Just as I'm about to sit down my phone starts ringing, I look it was shawn I answer immediately. 🎤=Maya 📸=shawn
🎤- "hello?"
📸- "hey Maya I want to ask you a question."
🎤- "ok what's up?"
📸- "as you know your mom and I have been dating for a while now. "
🎤- "yes 2 years hasn't it?"
📸- "yes. Well I was wondering if you would be okay if I asked her to marry me?"
🎤- "Shawn that's awesome I'm actually super happy, you actually cared enough to ask me if I would be okay with it."
📸- "well I thought it would be something that you would like to have a say in because I know it has been just the two of you for so long."
🎤- "yeah and of course I'm okay with you proposing to her. When do you plan to do it?"
📸- "actually i plan to propose during dinner tonight."
🎤- "good for you, I'm really happy that You are going to be my stepdad. Oh and just so you know Lucas and I have something to tell you and mom when you get home tomorrow."
📸- "okay should I be worried?"
🎤- "ummm you will know when you get home tomorrow. Go have dinner and have a great time!"
📸- "okay Maya. I'll talk to you later bye"
🎤- "bye shawn."
I end the call with a huge smile on my face. I'm so happy that my mom has found love again.
Lucas walks in the room with dinner,
🏀-"so what did shawn want?"
🎤-"He just wanted to know if i was okay with him asking my mom to marry him."
🏀- "Awww that's so sweet of him to ask you for permission in a way"
🎤- "Yeah."
🏀-"So are we telling them tomorrow?"
🎤-"Yeah I think we should but we shouldn't tell Riley and Farkle just yet."
🏀-"Yeah I agree we should wait to tell them."
*The next day *
*Shawn's POV*
When Maya told me that she and Lucas had something to tell her mom and I, I got a little nervous because I had no idea what they were going to tell us. When her mom and I got back to the apartment it was around dinner time and we walk in to the apartment and Maya is asleep on the couch with her head resting on her boyfriends chest but when I looked closer I saw Lucas' hand on top of her stomach with her hand on top of his. I suddenly had a gut feeling i knew what they were about to tell us. When Katy saw them she turned to me and asked me if she should wake them I said not yet and we went into our room and started unpacking. About 10 minutes later I hear someone run to the bathroom. I go out to the living room to see that Lucas is awake and has started making dinner. I guess he didn't realize that we had gotten home and jumped when I spoke up. 📸= shawn 🏀= Lucas
📸- "Hey where's Maya?"
🏀-"Oh Shawn I didn't realize that you were home."
📸-"Yeah Katy and I got home about ten minutes ago to find you and Maya asleep on the sofa with your hand on Maya's stomach and her hand on top of yours." He had a look of complete horror on his face. I suddenly hear the bathroom door open and Maya comes out. "Shawn!!!!!!" She screams running to greet me. I hug her. "Hey Maya!" I say as calmly as I can so she doesn't know I have an idea of what she wants to tell us. After Maya says hi to me she goes over to where Lucas is standing.
*Maya's POV*
When I wake up from my nap, I feel a burst of nausea come over me. I run to the bathroom as fast as I possibly can I don't bother waking Lucas up I just put my hair up in a messy ponytail to make sure it's out of the way. After I finish puking my guts out I hear Shawn's voice. I brush my teeth and open the door. As I walk out of the bathroom I see Shawn. "Shawn!!!!" I scream as I run up to give him a hug. "Hey Maya" he says. Then I go over to where Lucas is standing. He looks like he had just seen a ghost. I guess Shawn scared him when he asked where I was.
🏀-"Um Maya can I talk to you in PRIVATE for a moment." Lucas said to me. He emphasized private. "Um sure." We go into the guest bedroom. (Just a reminder Lucas will be a basketball and Maya wil be a microphone) 🎤-"So what do you need to talk about?"
🏀- "Okay so when Shawn came in and asked where you were he seriously scared me. I said oh Shawn I didn't realize you had gotten home."🎤- "Yeah I know I heard that part and then I continued to puke my guts out." 🏀-"Ok well he said that he and your mom had gotten home like ten minutes ago. " 🎤-"Okay and why are you telling me this?"
🏀-"Because he also said that when they got home we were asleep with your head resting on my chest."
🎤-"Yeah and?"
🏀-"He also said that my hand was on top of your stomach with your hand covering mine. Maya I think he might be on to us about this pregnancy."
🎤-"No he can't"
🏀-"Maya we have to tell them at dinner. We can't hide this anymore." 🎤-"I realize that but Shawn has been protective of me since he met me and started dating my mom. He's going to kill you."
🏀- "MAYA we can't hide this they are going to figure it out."
It's time for dinner Shawn sits next to my mom and I sit next to Lucas. I'm so nervous about telling them, Lucas must be able to tell because he grabs my hand under the table and starts rubbing my hand. I start to relax.
📸- "So I hear you and Lucas have something important to tell your mom and I. " He looks at me and I can tell he has a feeling he knows what the news is. I start to tense up Lucas continues to comfort me by rubbing my hand.
🎤- "Um yeah." I say as I look at Lucas for help.
🎤-"Okay here goes." I start tearing up, Lucas lets go of my hand and puts his arm around me and starts to talk.
🏀-"Ok I really don't know how to say this but here goes... Maya is pregnant and I'm the father." Shawn gives Lucas the death stare.
🎤-"I can't do this" I cry as I get up and run to my bedroom. I lock the door and lay on my bed and cry. I hear Shawn start to yell at Lucas but I zone it out. A few minutes later I hear a knock on my bedroom door.
🎤-"Who is it?" I ask as tears stain my cheeks.
🎭-"Maya it's your mom can you please unlock the door and let me in?"
When I open the door i see my mom with the look of disappointment on her face. I brake into tears once again. She pulls me into a hug.
🎤-"I'm so sorry mom."I cry "I never meant to get pregnant I promise."
🎭- "Maya I know you didn't mean to get pregnant at this age. I want you to know I'm not happy about the fact that you are pregnant but I won't disown you or kick you out. I love you and I know that this wasn't planned. I promise to support you in any way I can.
🎤-"Thanks mom, I have been worried that you would kick me out when you found out." 🎤-"Quick question, do you know if Lucas is still alive since you left him alone with Shawn"?
🏀-"He's alive" Lucas says as he walks into my room.
I run up and hug him. He kisses my head
🎤-"thank you for not leaving me to do this alone" I say as I kiss him on the lips.
🏀-"Absolutely I love you and I love our baby with all my heart." Just then Shawn walks in
📸-"hey can I talk to Maya alone?"
🎤- "Sure" Lucas and my mom leave my room and I'm alone with my future stepdad.
📸-"Maya I want you to know that I love you and I'm not happy about it but I will support you in any way that I can."
🎤-"Thanks Shawn.!I'm really glad you are going to be the grandfather to this little baby." I say as I point to my stomach.
📸- "me too oh and by the way you have a really good boyfriend I know he will be an amazing dad."
🎤- "Thanks Shawn."
Authors note!
Hey guys I really hope you like this chapter it took me a while to write! I want to say a HUGE thank you to LoveNikkiStories for creating the new amazing cover to this book. Also if you like reading this book I also have a YouTube channel where I post girl meets world fan fics my account is Samantha grubel. So be sure to check it out! Thanks for reading,

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