Character list

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Hey so I thought I'd inform everyone about the characters since I forgot last time.
Cory and Topanga Matthews
Riley's mom and dad
Consider maya as their own daughter
Riley Matthews
Age- 15 years old
Maya's best friend since preschool. Lucas' ex
Now Farkle's girlfriend
Auggie Matthews
Age- 8 years old (i made him a little older)
Riley's little brother
Maya Hart
Age- 16 years old
Riley's best friend since preschool
Like a second daughter to cory and Topanga Matthews
Girlfriend to Lucas Friar
Also mother to be
Lucas Friar
Friends with Maya, Riley and Farkle since beginning of 7th grade when he moved here from Austin Texas
He started dating Maya in 9th grade
John and Jill Friar
Lucas' parents

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