The wedding (short) (final chapter)

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*Maya's POV*
It's been 4 months since Drew was born. Today is my wedding day, I'm sitting in my room waiting to get my hair done. Riley is my maid of honor. Caroline is our flower girl.  Cory is walking me down the isle, Shawn understands since he's been like a father to me since i was little. Drew is with my mom. As I get into my dress I feel like a princess, my mom walks into my room holding Andrew who's wearing an adorable baby tux. "Oh my gosh baby, you look beautiful!" She cried. "Thank you for everything mom. You supported me when most mom's wouldn't." I say. Andrew starts to cry, leaning towards me to hold him. I walk over and take Drew from my mom. "Hi baby. You look so cute today!" I say. Soon there's a knock on the door my mom opens it and Shawn walks in. "Maya you look absolutely stunning." He says. "Thank you shawn that means a lot" I say. We hear the music playing, I hand Drew back to my mom.moly mom and Shawn walk out with Drew. Cory takes my arm and we walk to the door where the bridesmaids, parents, and flower girl have all lined up. Our parents walk in first then everyone else. Finally it's time for Cory  to walk me down the isle.  As he and I walk down I see Lucas standing up at the altar. He looks amazing, as soon as he sees me he smiles.
(Skip to end of wedding)
I'm so happy that Lucas and I are married now. It's time for the father daughter dance, Cory comes and takes my hand. After the father daughter dance Lucas and I danced. I rest my head on his shoulder, as we dance around. Everyone is smiling. When everything is over i take my sleeping baby boy from my mom and I put him in his car seat. Caroline was asleep in Lucas's arms, he carefully puts her into her car seat. Soon we head home.  Our life is going to change more and more as days go by.

The end

Guys so I'm extremely sorry. This chapter sucked but I wanted to say a few things. You all have been asking for a sequel. I asked you to leave ideas for a title, so i want YOU to vote on the title you want, the options are;
One crazy road
Our perfect lives and
Girl Meets Life.
Thank you to everyone who left ideas. Also go check out the book Forever Alone by emmaswan27 I love the book!
Thanks for everything you guys do, you are the reason that I enjoy writing this book the reads on this book were absolutely amazing, so thank you!
This book is officially finished, but keep an eye out for a notification that the sequel is up!
Thank you,
~Sammie 😀😊

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