telling him

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*Maya's pov*
I ran out of that school faster than I have ever ran before, I knew I had to tell him so we could figure this out together, but all I could ask was will he still love me? Is he going to be like my dad and just leave me alone to care for this baby by myself? I ran all the way home and cried my eyes out and suddenly I get the urge to puke again. So I ran to my bathroom and puked my guts and all my other contents in my stomach out. I got a text from him.
❤️= huckleberry
❤️- hey why'd you run out of class today? Are you okay?
🎤- ummmmmm...
❤️- Maya tell me what is going on, you know I love you no matter what I want to help you.
🎤- can you please come to my place i really need to tell you something that I have kinda been avoiding you for.
❤️- of course see you in 15 mins
🎤- ok thanks
❤️-absolutely. I love you to the moon and back.
🎤- love you to huckleberry
End of text messages
Still Maya's pov
After the information I tell him today I wonder if he'll still love me to the moon and back. As i think about how he could leave me I start to break into tears, I was just going to be a mess when I tell him. I just hope he doesn't leave me like my father left my mom.
*Lucas' pov*
Right after i finished texting maya, I grabbed my coat and walked to her house, all I could think about was what news she could have, then it hit me. Her 16th birthday party was a little over month ago we had sex the night of her party. We had been dating for about a year and we thought we were ready. Could that be the news? Could Maya be pregnant? If she is about to tell me that I am going to be a father, I will tell her that I will never leave her, I promised that night that if anything happens I will stay with her and never stop loving her. By the time I get out of my thought clouds I realize i was at her apartment building, i was actually really nervous about the news she was about to lay on me but I didn't show it, I didn't want her to know I was scared about what she was about to tell me.
I knocked on her apartment door, she answered right away. (A/N the bold will be Lucas and the italics will be maya. That way I'm not writing he said she said all the time)
"Hey Maya"
"Hey I have something to tell you" she started to cry as she said this. Suddenly she got super pale in the face and dashed to the bathroom and puked her guts out. I walk over and start rubbing her back as I hold her hair back for her. When she finally was done she brushed her teeth and broke out into tears. I pulled her into a hug and let her cry into my shirt. I don't care if she is pregnant or not I will love her no matter what. And if she is pregnant then I will support her with any decision she makes. I finally have the courage to ask her what was wrong she said nothing, she just cried harder into my chest than before. "Lucas I have some extremely bad news for you that might make you want to run and leave me forever." "Maya I will never leave you no matter how bad the news is."  I pulled her close to me and she rested her head on my chest. "Ok here goes. Lucas I'm pregnant and you're the father."
* Maya's pov*
Lucas knocked on the door of my apartment and i answered it immediately.
"Hey Maya"
"Hey i have something to tell you" I said back to nervous about what will happen next. Next thing I know I feel a burst of nausea come over me and I run to the bathroom as fast as i can. As i am puking my guts out I feel him start to rub my back as he held up my hair. When I finally finished puking my guts out I brushed my teeth and then I broke out into tears, he pulled me into a hug and let me cry into his chest. He asked me what was wrong and i said nothing I just cried harder into his chest. When I was finally ready to tel him I took a deep breath and said...
"Lucas I have some extremely bad news for you that might make you want to run and leave me forever. "
"Maya I will never leave you no matter how bad the news is. " he whispered into my ear. Tears returned to my eyes once again, he pulled me into his chest and I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Ok here goes" I said taking a deep breath.
"Lucas I'm pregnant and you are the father. "
*Authors note*
So what do you think Lucas will do? How will he react? When do you think Maya will tell Riley? How will Riley and Farkle react to this news?
Let me know what you think and what gender you think the baby should be in the comments!
Thanks sam!

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