Chapter 4

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*Lucas pov*
Maya and I are laying on the couch, her head on my chest. I look at her belly and all I can think is i have a son or daughter growing in there. I look at Maya who's now asleep on me and think I love my life and my family. "I love you Maya" i say as I turn off the tv and kiss her on the forehead. I then fall asleep with Maya still asleep on me. When I wake up maya is no longer asleep on me, I can hear her in the bathroom, I feel bad because morning sickness is hitting her hard. I walk into the bathroom and I see her on the floor, puking into the toilet. I start rubbing her back with one hand and holding her hair back with the other hand. When she was finished she got up and brushed her teeth. "Hey how about I make spaghetti and meatballs for dinner?" "Lucas I'm sorry but talking about food just makes me want to barf even more." "Maya you need to eat, the baby won't grow if it doesn't get any nutrients." "Fine I'll eat some spaghetti and meatballs." "Thank you". I go into the kitchen to start dinner as the water starts to boil I turn to Maya "so how do you want to tell our families about this pregnancy?" "I don't even know I mean I kinda want to keep it a secret for as long as I possibly can, but I don't think I will be able to hide it much longer... I mean my mom and shawn won't be home from their trip till next Friday. Umm Lucas?" " Yeah?" "Do you think your parents would be okay with you "staying at Farkle's'"until next Friday? I just don't want to be alone right now..."Yeah let me just text them and say I have to work on a project over the break so I'm just going to stay over so we can get it done and ace it." "Yay thanks Lucas!" "No problem." We lay down on the couch and I fall asleep

*Maya's POV*
I'm so glad Lucas isn't going to leave me alone. I have been thinking about how and when I will tell my mom, shawn, the Matthews clan, Farkle and especially Lucas' family. I'm worried most about my mom, shawn and Lucas' parents because I don't know if they will support us. What I fear most is that his parents will tell him how much he is ruining his life and they will disown or kick him out.
Hey guys thank you so much for reading and let me know if you think the chapters are a good length I'm trying to decide what is the perfect length for a chapter. I hope to update however it might be hard because I am almost done thanksgiving break and I will be going back to school soon so I won't be able too update as much. Hey and if you like reading books like this I also do gmw fanfics on YouTube my account is Sammiegrubel24 so check out my videos and also be sure to check out LoveNikkiStories and Read her books she is an amazing writer and tries to update as often as she possibly can.

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