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(Time skip)

I'm officially 40 weeks pregnant. I'm extremely uncomfortable all the time. My midwife said that Drew is in the correct position for birth. I'm so ready for him to come. I'm tired of being pregnant. I'm constantly in pain. I haven't slept because I can't manage to get comfortable. But I am looking forward to the day he comes. Contractions started around 5 am this morning. They currently have no pattern and don't really hurt. Cc is going to be staying with Jill, (Lucas's mom) while Lucas and I are at the hospital. As I walk downstairs for breakfast, I start to feel another contraction a little more painful than I have been experiencing. I continue walking downstairs. Lucas is standing by the stove making pancakes. I walk over and kiss him. "Good morning baby" he says kissing my forehead. My mom is going to pick up Cc at around 12 today" he says as he puts a large pancake on Caroline's plate. "That's good" I say quietly. "So how are the contractions going?" He asks, returning to the stove. "Umm okay I guess." I say as I sit down at the table. "I mean they're definitely coming more often and a little more painful." After I finish eating, contractions are becoming slightly more intense. I decide to go upstairs and take a shower. When I get out of the shower my contractions are coming more frequently. Soon it's time for Jill to pick up Caroline. "Mommy I don't want to go. I want to be there when my broter is born." Caroline cries. "Cc I'm sorry but you can't go. I will call you as soon as he's born. Okay?" I say quietly. "Okay mommy" she says as she lets go of me. "I love you Cc." I say as she runs to Lucas to say goodbye. "I love you Daddy" she says. "I love you too Cc now you be a good girl for grandma. Okay?" he says kissing the top of her head. "okay" she says as she head out to the car. We watch as they drive away. "Okay well I'm going to go lie down." I say quietly. "Okay I'll be up once I finish doing the dishes." Lucas says pulling me into a hug and kissing my forehead. I walk upstairs and lay down. Soon I am off to sleep. When I wake up Lucas is asleep next to me with his hand resting on my belly. I have to pee so I get up, when I get into the bathroom I feel a sudden gush, when I look down at my feet I soon realize my water broke. "Lucas!!!" I scream. Lucas wakes up and runs to where I am standing. "Maya what's wrong?" he asks looking at me with fear in his eyes. Suddenly I have a painful contraction, Lucas hugs me as I rock back and forth until the contraction is over. "my water broke and now the contractions are coming more intensely." I cry. "shhh Maya it's going to be okay" he says reassuring me. "Lucas we need to head to the hospital now" I say. "okay all the bags are in the car, we can call your mom and let her know on the way there." He says trying to decide if we are forgetting anything. We grab any loose things we might need like cell phone chargers; extra camera batteries, the battery charger, and head out to the car. In the car I call my midwife and let her know that I'm going to the hospital, and then I call my mom. My mom tells me she will meet me at the hospital. During the 20 minute car ride I had 2 painful contractions. When we finally made it to the hospital, and they got me up to the room it was 2:30 in the afternoon. My midwife checked to see how many centimeters dilated I was. I'm only 5cm dilated, but 100% effaced. "Lucas this pain is too much I can't take it anymore." I cry as Lucas holds my hand. "Babe you're doing great, keep it up!" he said. I have another contraction and squeeze his hand. I can see the pain in his eyes. "Sorry about my grip" I say "Maya it's okay, you are doing great!" he says kissing me. An hour and a half later my midwife comes back to check if my progression. I'm only 6 cm. "I can't take the pain I need an epidural" I shout. "Okay I will get the anesthesiologist to come give you one as soon as possible" she says before walking out of my room. Soon the anesthesiologist comes into my room and administers me my epidural. Within 10-15 minutes I start to feel my pain relieved. I don't feel any of my contractions. My mom finally gets to the hospital. "Maya, how are you feeling baby?" she asks frantically. "Mom I'm fine I feel no pain." I say. 2 hours later, the midwife comes back to check to see how far dilated I am. I'm 8cm dilated so she tells me to try to get some rest, I fall asleep never letting go of Lucas's hand. Suddenly I feel an extreamly strong pain and have the urge to push. "I need to push" I scream clutching Lucas's hand. My mom runs to get the doctor. "Baby, fight the urge." Lucas says. "Lucas I don't think it's possible, I can feel the head" I cry in pain. Just then the doctor comes rushing into my room. "Okay Maya so I want you to take deep breaths during your contractions." She says as she washes her hands and gets everything ready for Andrew to be born. "Okay" I say taking deep breaths. "Maya it's time to push. So on your next contraction, take a deep breath in and push down as hard as you possibly can." She tells me. "Okay deep breath and push" she says. I take a deep breath in and push as hard as I possibly can. "Come on Maya you're doing great" Lucas says as he presses a kiss to the side of my head. "keep going you're doing great!" the doctors says.

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