missing part two

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Lucas's POV
We get to magic kingdom and I go up to purchase tickets and Maya goes to the bathroom but she never comes back. I start to freak because she is gone and nowhere to be found. I run to Riley who is complaining about wanting to go on rides.
Me- Riley how can you think about rides when your best friend is missing? Riley my girlfriend is pregnant with my son and now she is no where to be found. SHE COULD BE IN TROUBLE AND YOU ARE UPSET ABOUT NOT BEING ABLE TO GO ON RIDES?????
Riley- um...
Farkle- Lucas calm down it will be okay.
Cory- Lucas we will find her.
Me- OK let's split up I'll look out in the parking lot. Riley and Farkle you two look around in the theme park and see if anyone has seen her.
R&F- okay
Corey- I will wait out here in case she comes back.
Me- okay then let's start searching if anyone finds her or gets any clues to help find her text us.
*meanwhile with Maya*
"Let go of me" I scream and kick the person holding me tight in the knee cap.
The person screams in pain and lets go of me.
I quickly turn around to see who it was. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?"
"Maya I can explain"he said. I look around to try to figure out where I was but I have no luck I have no idea where I am. The room is dark I tie the person's hands and feet up so they can't get to me. I grab my phone out of their pocket and see that I had a total of 100 missed calls.
35 from Lucas
25 from Riley
20 from Farkle
10 from corey
10 from Shawn and
5 from my mom, I figure she's at work and isn't able to help with trying to reach me.
And like 20 texts
(Text messages)
Lucas- Maya where are you please text me ASAP
Lucas- Maya where are you? Please text me telling me where you are and that you are okay. PLEASE!
Riley- peaches where are you??? Why won't you answer any of our calls? R u OK? Let me know you are safe!
Riley- Lucas, Farkle, my dad and I are searching everywhere Farkle and I are looking and asking people around the theme park if anyone has seen you or saw the person who kiddnapped you.
Lucas- Maya I'm about to call the cops so if you know anything that could help to find you PLEASE LET ME, RILEY, FARKLE OR MR. MATTHEWS KNOW I WILL NOT RELAX UNTIL YOU ARE FOUND SAFE AND IN MY ARMS.
*Maya's POV*
I look up from my phone and look around at where I am. I have no way of helping my friends and family find me if I have no idea where I am. I turn to the guy who freaking brought me here. "Maya I can explain just let me explain" he cried. " what is there to explain"? You left me years ago but now all of a sudden you kidnap me and leave my boyfriend, my best friends, my mom, my step dad and my best friend's parents who have treated me like I'm their own child worried sick about me". I said in a harsh tone "Maya I'm sorry. I should have never left you but I knew I wouldn't have been a good father to you." "I can't tell you how much i regret my decisions, I was never able or keep a job so when I left I finally found a job and I have been working there ever since and I am proud of my job now." He said. "You had a job ONE AND YOU FAILED AT THAT JOB. YOU SHOULD HAVE NEVER LEFT ME AND MOM" I cry "Maya I brought you here because I want to make up for the time that we lost." "okay let me ask you a few questions..."I say "Okay sure what do you want to know?" He said. "#1 what do you actually know about me? By that I mean; what do I like? what has been one of the biggest changes that I have had to adjust to?"
"Well you like artwork. I remember you saying that you wanted to be an artist When you grew up... And the biggest change that you have had to adjust to I would have to guess entering high school?" He said "okay so you got one thing correct and that is that I love art but high school is most definitely not the biggest change that I have had to adjust to." I say "well what is the biggest change you have had to adjust to then?" He asked in disbelief. " the biggest change I have had to adjust to is the fact that I am going to be a mom in about 4 months but you wouldn't know that because you haven't cared enough about me to even try to be in my life" I said angrily "oh" he said in an upset tone. Oh and 1 more thing where the hell am I because my boyfriend is searching for me and I need him?" I ask "Maya I am going to spend time with you whether you like a or not I have been trying to reach you so we could have the father-daughter relationship that I have missed out on. Your boyfriend will never be able to find you here." He said. "What The Fuck Is Wrong With You We WILL NEVER HAVE THAT FATHER-DAUGHTER RELATIONSHIP YOU LEFT ME AND NOW YOU EXPECT THAT EVERYTHING WILL BE LIKE IT WAS, WHEN I WAS FIVE! NO!" I scream at him. Suddenly my phone starts blowing up with notifications. The first thing is a text from Farkle, but it's a group chat between Lucas, Riley, Mr. Matthews, me and the last two numbers in the group surprised me, they were my mom and Shawn. The message read- Riley and and I have been asking around the theme park and we met someone that briefly saw the guy who took Maya.
Lucas responded almost immediately- oh thank god we might be able to find her now. OK so what did the person say the kidnapper looked like?
Farkle- they said that he had dirty blonde hair about shoulder length. He looked semi muscular he looked to be in his mid thirties early forties.
The next reply was from my mom and it read- I have an idea of who might have kiddnapped Maya.
Lucas- who!???!????
Mom- I think her father did he fits the description perfectly...
I quickly send a text through the group chat.
Me- hey guys I'm sorry I never responded I didn't think it was safe . I'm not sure if it is safe to tell you who actually kidnapped me. I hit send and almost immediately immediately my friends and family started replying.
Lucas- Maya!!!!! Who kidnapped you and where are you????
Me- guys calm down... Mom it WAS who you thought it was... And for the question where am I? I HAVE NO IDEA. the only idea I have is Lucas track my phone...
Lucas- OK Maya I will find you!
Me- I love you Lucas!!
Lucas- I love you too.
*Lucas's POV*
I'm searching searching everywhere for Maya but no luck. I start to worry that I will never see my girl friend again. As I search for her I start singing a song from the Disney channel movie Camp Rock. It's the song Gotta find you by Joe Jonas.

Every time I think I'm closer to the heart
Of what it means to know just who I am
I think I've finally found a better place to start
But no one ever seems to understand
I need to try to get to where you are
Could it be your not that far?
Your the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
I need to find you, I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need the song inside of me
I need to find you, I gotta find you
Oh yeah
Yeah ehhh yeah
You're the remidi I'm searching our to find
To fix the puzzle that I see inside
Waiting on my dreams the color of your smile
When I find you it will be alright
I need to try to get to where you are
Could it be you're not that far?
You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
I need to find you, I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need the song inside of me
I need to find you I gotta find you...
Been feeling lost can't find the words to say
Spending all my time stuck in yesterday
Where you are is where I wanna be
Oh next to you and you next to meee
I need to find you,
You're the voice I hear inside my head the reason that I'm singing
I need to find yo, I gotta find you
Yeah eeh yeah
You're the missing piece i need the song inside of me
I need to find you, I gotta find you.
You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
I need to find you, I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need the song inside of me
I need to find you, I gotta find you
Yeah I gotta find you...
Maya I promise to find you no matter what stands in my way. My phone starts going off. It's a text from Farkle but it is in a group chat. When I read the text, my heart freaking skipped a beat. Farkle and Riley had found someone who could probably help us find Maya. The person saw the man who kidnapped Maya and we were able to figure out who it was , Maya finally texted us letting everyone know she's safe but has no idea where she is. I called the police but without any clues they pretty much told us that they can't help us. So I'm going to find Maya on my own now and there is nothing that can stop me.

Hey guys sorry if this sucks I kinda snuck my tablet to school today and was writing this book at school and I kept getting interrupted by teachers telling me to put it away so I was having a really hard time finishing a complete thought. Also if you are hoping to find a new cover for your wattpad story the person you should talk to is LoveNikkiStories she created the cover for this book and it's absolutely amazing ! I have to say I am in the best possible mood because I have been texting the guy I like and I just want to say it's awesome! He's soooooo sweet and smart!
Thanks guys and follow these two accounts LoveNikkiStories and lucygirl0710. lucygirl0710 has been writing a GMW fanfic and I love it!!!!
Thanks guys!
QOTD- what is your favorite movie that you watched in 2015?

OTD- either the Fault in our stars (I know it came out in 2014 but I only saw it in 2015) or Alvin and the chipmunk's the road chip. So let Me know your answers in the comments below.

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