Missing?!?! (chapter 12)

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*Maya's pov*
I woke up to Lucas sound asleep next to me I kiss him softly and he wakes up.
Me- So what's the plan for today?
Lucas- was thinking we could to Disney world and ride some rides and then maybe we could go shopping in downtown Disney.
Me- okay let's get ready maybe the lines won't be as bad.
Lucas- okay
We get up and I go into the room that Riley and Farkle were in I knock on the door and Riley answers.
R- Hi Maya how was your sleep with Lucas?
Me- seriously riles? We got here and I fell asleep almost immediately...
R- oh okay well what's the plan for today?
Me- Lucas and I were thinking we would go to one of the Disney theme parks and ride some rides then later tonight we could go to downtown Disney and go shopping.
Me- so would you and Farkle like to come to magic kingdom with Lucas and me?
R- duh
Me- okay then go get ready we want to go early
R- kk
I walk back to my room and finish getting ready. Lucas had already finished taking a shower and was sitting on my bed shirtless.
Me- hey huckleberry why don't you put a shirt on those hot abs...
Huckleberry- not until you are ready to leave.
Me- okay...😍😏
I got into the shower when i got out i got dressed and Lucas was still shirtless on my bed but now he is asleep and shirtless so I run and jump onto the bed Lucas wakes up since it seemed i accidentally hit him in the gut with my elbow.
Huckleberry- owwwww maya that really hurt.
Me- awwe im sorry I say as i kiss his lips. Common we are going to magic kingdom first and I want to go early.
We get up and go knock on the boys door (where Lucas is supposed to sleep but he doesn't so Riley stays in her dads room). Farkle opens the door.
F- oh hey so you ready to go?
Me- yeah common
We head out of the hotel mr. Matthews drives us to magic kingdom. The lines are absolutely insane.
Huckleberry-Maya I'm going to go purchase the tickets.
Me- okay huckleberry well I'm going to go find the bathroom.
I'm walking to find the bathroom when next thing i know someone grabs me covering my mouth with their hand so I can't scream. I bite their hand really hard but they don't seem to care. Suddenly everything goes black.
(Conversation between Lucas, Riley, Farkle and corey.)
L- hey has Maya come back yet?
R- no but it has been 10 minutes and there is probably a line so she might still be waiting.
L- okay well let's just wait here for her.
(10 more minutes pass)
L- I'm really starting to get worried Maya still isn't back.
R- Lucas relax she'll probably be out any minute. If she isn't out in the next 5 minutes i will go in and make sure she is okay.
L- okay
(5 minutes later)
R- okay now I'm worried so I'm going to go check on her.
Riley goes into the bathroom but maya is nowhere to be found. Riley runs out as fast as she can
R- okay maybe now we should worry...
F,C & L- why is she not in there?
R- no she isn't in there I looked through the entire bathroom.
L- oh no what if she was kidnapped she is pregnant with our son and I have no idea where she is and if shes alright.
C- Lucas calm down everything is going to be okay.
(Lucas is starting to tear up)
L- I have to find her.
C- Lucas calm down I know you are worried just try to call her
(Lucas calls maya but no answer)
Lucas is now scared for the life of his girlfriend and their unborn son.
Is Maya okay? Who could have kidnapped Maya? Why? Will Lucas ever find her?
Hey guys I'm sorry if this chapter sucked my friend had requested an update so I decided to try and update (you know who you are) i also wanted to let u all know that Brad Paisley (a country singer) has a son named Huckleberry Paisley. Also (you know who you are) I want to say that i had an awesome time tonight hanging out with you and thank you so so much for the blanket I absolutely love it it's sooo soft I hope you had fun tonight and I hope Danny feels better. Enjoy your chocolate!

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