"so your like my mommy now?"

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As you walked down the high way Mut was a little ahead and Smile was next to you. It was quite, a little to quit. You stop walking to hear another set of feet be hind you. Smile and Mut start growling. You sigh and pull your pocket knife from your boot, tuning and putting it right through the dead head's eye (that's what you call them: dead head's)
"Cant I get a brake!" You flick the blood off the knife then put it back in your boot. You look up over the hill to see a huge group of dead head's. You look to Mut, then smile.
"Guys?" You ask. They both bark at the same time. You turn, back to them, along with the dogs. Crouching in to a ready pose, as if to race. "On the count of three, go said far as you can, or until say stop." By now they where about 100 feet from you. "One..." 50 feet. "Two..." so close "three!" You run, at the same speed at the dogs. You kept them well feed, even if that means you don't eat, you made sure they expected. As for you, you have slight ab's and you've never worked out in your life. After a while of running you were far ahead from the dead head's. You slow to a walking phase along with the dogs. You walk to an exit on the highway that lead to a small town.

-time skip, your in walmart-

In the cloths area you find a Pokémon shirt your size. As you slip it on, you hear Mut growling, you sigh and grab your back pa k following him. You came to a set of double doors. Moaning inside. You begin to walk away. "Come Mut." He didn't listen. He starts to pout. You can tell he hears something. You lean your head agents the door. Crying. A little girl, maybe? You step back.
"If that were me nobody would help." You think "so why should I help her. No. Wait. That's why I should help. She shouldn't suffer." Now you were thinking out loud. Pulling out your two. Pistols and loading them, and making sure the silencers were on right. You put them back in there holsters and get your sword from your bag, then throwing it to the side.
"Little girl!" The crying stopped "I'm gonna help you, but you need t ok close your eyes... ok, I'm opening the door, stay quiet."
One by one you take them down, Mut and Smile help by jumping on them for you to kill. Soon the last body dropped. You stepped over the pile of corpses. Happy that you didnt have to use the guns. You walk in and look up into the raft. To see a little girl, eyes tight shut.
girl p.o.v
I the thuding and moaning stopped, so I opened my eyes slowly to see a nice looking lady looking up t me.
"Come on down."

Your p.o.v

The girl sat up and lowered a latter and claimed down to me. Mut and Smile came in, scaring her so I motioned for them to stop, they did. I keeled down to be face to face with her.
"Whats your name?" I asked pushing her hair out of the way of her eyes.
"Ally." A small smile grew.
"Well ally, I'm (y/n). This is Mut and Smile. We're family now. You can trust us." She smiled.
"So your like my mommy now?"
"Ya, I'm like your mommy. Now let's get you something to eat and some new cloths." I stand up and held her hand. We ended up picking out a pink Sun dress and rainbow striped leggings. I gave her a Apple and we went on our way.

Time skip/ one week later

It was late at night, I sat there and pet smile, ally was snuggled up with Mut and fast asleep. I look back at the small fire we had going. Ally started turning, and Soon She shot awake.
"Nightmar?" I looked at her. She nodded
"Can you sing me a lalabye, mommy?" I looked at her, a smile.On my face.
"When I look into your eyes it's like watching the night sky, or beautiful sun rise.
Theirs so much they hold, and just like the monster's see that you've come so far, to be right where you are.
How old is your soul?
I won't give up on us, even if the sky's cater up, I'm giving you all my love, I'm still looking up.
And when your needing your space, to do some navigating, ill be here patiently waiting to see what you find.
Caues even the stars, they burn, some even fall to the earth, we got a lot to learn, and God knows were worth it.
No I won't give up, I won't give up, I won't give up, no I won't give up..." Ally was a fast asleep along with both dogs. "Nobody will ever hurt you, like they did to me. I'll protect you. I won't give up.

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