Protect Me: Chapter 2

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I woke from a dreamless slumber, and I felt myself smile. I smiled because I knew that Gaara was real. I knew because I heard him talking. He was talking quietly, but he sounded worried.

"Why isn't she waking up?" he kept asking. He didn't seem to be getting the answer he wanted, because he kept sighing with frustration. I laid there listening, because I was too comfortable to move. I heard footsteps coming towards me and then a child's hand grabbed mine.

"We don't know why she isn't-"

"Shut up!" he yelled. "Shut up and go away!" There was running as the others left the room. "Why?" he whispered. "Why won't you wake up?" He sounded so sad and worried. I couldn't handle it any longer.

"G-Gaara, is that you?" I asked sleepily as I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I then opened them and looked at his face. He was shocked, but then he smiled a beautiful smile.

"You're awake!" he yelled happily as he hugged me. I was a little shocked but then I smiled too and hugged him back. When he let me go, I sat up and he sat next to me.

"How long did I sleep?" I asked quietly.

"Umm... Almost five days." I looked outside and saw that it was dark and wondered why I hadn't noticed. "It's about midnight." I nodded and looked at my hands in my lap and I remembered that my shorts and shirt didn't cover all the bandages on me.

"Where am I?"

"The Sand village."

"Is it far from the mountains?"

"Kind of. Why?" I got really nervous.

"N-No reason..." I sighed. I hated my stutter.

"Can I ask you some questions?"

"Sure." I was glad he dropped it.

"What's your name?" I shrugged. "You have to have a name."

"If I do, I don't remember it. My aunt and uncle never used it."

"Hmm... Well can I give you a name?" I nodded. "Ok, let's see... Oh! Kuryah! You can be Kuryah! Do you like it?" I smiled at him to show that I did. He smiled back.

That's when it happened.

"Oh, she's awake." We looked at the doorway to see someone I didn't know. I hid behind Gaara and peeked above his shoulder.

"What do you want?" Gaara asked, acting fairly calm. The person bowed.

"Your father wanted me to bring you home if the girl was still asleep, but seeing as she isn't, I'll escort you both." I looked at the person kind of confused. Escort us? I grabbed the back of Gaara's shirt and stayed close to him. He turned and smiled at me.

"It's ok, Kuryah. We're going home now."

"Home?" He grabbed my hands and pulled me off the bed. I stood shakily and then fell into Gaara. He caught me.

"Yes. Home. Can you walk?" I shook my head, feeling my legs shake really bad. "Ok, climb on my back." He turned around and I climbed on his back. He looped his arms under my legs and I wrapped mine around his neck.

"My bag," I muttered.

"It's already at the house." I could hear the smile in his voice. I nodded and laid on his back. I felt happy and safe. I closed my eyes, but still saw everything that was happening all around the village. That's when I saw them. A couple of my cousins were talking to the guards at a gate.

'Garra,' I thought, hoping he would hear me. 'Gaara, hurry. There are people after me.'

'Don't worry,' he answered, starting to run. 'I won't let anyone hurt you again, ever.'


'Promise.' I smiled and tightened my grip as he ran through the village. He hadn't said it, but he cared about me. I narrowed my bird's-eye vision on us and saw him run into a house. I saw my cousins see us and then I opened my eyes. Gaara put me on a bed and I looked at him. He looked really worried.

"They're here," I whispered. He turned to go. "Don't leave me!" I jumped at him and grabbed his shirt. I could feel tears building. "Please, Gaara, don't go!" I felt a hand on my head.

"Hide under the covers and I'll go get my sister." I looked at him. I didn't trust anyone but him. I shook my head as tears streamed down my face. "Kuryah, I'll be right back." He pried my hands free of his shirt, and I immediately shrank back against the bed. He ran out of the room, and I stared at the doorway. I couldn't stop shaking.

Then I heard it.

"YOU CAN'T HAVE HER!" I heard Gaara about and saw him run into the room. Sand suddenly filled the doorway and the windows. I let out a small scream. I was terrified of complete darkness. You never knew who was waiting to hurt you. I felt hands on mine.


"Shh don't worry. They can't get you." I felt tears roll down my cheeks. They found me. I thought I had gotten away, but they found me. And now, they would kill me.

"They're going to kill me," I whispered , my chin quivering. The grip on my hands tightened.

" No! I won't let them!" I was pulled into a child-like hug.

"Gaara, please, let me go. I don't want you to die too."

"What are you saying?"

"You've shown me caring for the first time ever, and I'm happy now. Please let them take me." I felt him stiffen and then his arms dropped.

"You can't leave me forever." I sighed.

"If I can, I'll come back." Gaara let the sand down and I walked out of the room. I was grabbed by the shoulders and slapped across the face.

"You rotten dog!" I was spit on. "Let's go. Mother will be pleased." I was pushed out of the house and fell into the sand. "Get up!" I stood up and walked away from Gaara, the only one who would ever  care about me, no matter what I would do.

'Gaara, I will come back. This I promise on my life.'

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