Protect Me: Chapter 9

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I saw the entire fight with blank eyes. Why did I feel so protective over Gaara while he fought Sasuke, but with Naruto, all I wished was for them to stop hurting each other? I also noticed that as the Jichuuriki fought, I gained injuries that they should've received. I saw them getting injured, but it seemed I was taking the majority of the damage for both. I was further shocked when Gaara fully transformed into Shukaku, which Naruto quickly followed with a toad summon. Things could go wrong, fast. I had to do something. Anything. Just had to-

"Don't you move." Arms wrapped around me and kept me in my spot. I could tell the person was taller than me, although most people were these days. I turned my head slightly, seeing muscular arms under long sleeves. I looked up to the face and saw sliver hair along with a red eye with a scar through it.

"Copy Cat Kakashi," I stated blandly. His eye widened and I turned back to the Jinchuuriki. Gaara was falling asleep. I panicked, but Kakashi's arms held me.

"Who are you?"

"I'm a ninja. Student of Inazuma and Itachi. And I'm-" I froze as Shukaku spoke. No! I was meant to prevent this! I quickly jabbed Kakashi under the ribs with my right elbow, much to my own discomfort, and sent him flying backwards. I saw the toad and Shukaku start to fight. I was so far from them. I wasn't sure my body would stand getting to them.

'I will get there,' I gritted my teeth, and, holding my left arm to my chest, dashed forward as fast as I could. I had to stop this.


Sweet darkness. No pain. Silence. Is this what sleeping was like? No wonder Kunkuro sleeps so much. This... This is a wonderful feeling. I should find a way to sleep more. Maybe Kuryah could...

Kuryah. Had that just been a vision of her, or had I actually felt her fingers on my face? I want her to be mine. Wait... If she really had been there, then releasing Shukaku could get her killed... No, if he wouldn't let me kill her, then he wouldn't. He'd said that she had a special power. What did he mean?

"Gaara, wake up!" Was that Kuryah?

"Kuryah-san! You bastard, how could you do that to someone who cares about you?!" Had something happened to her?

"Naruto, I'm ok." That voice didn't sound ok.

"Damn." Suddenly I felt pain in my forehead. What was happening?


Shukaku had swatted me to the ground. I'd managed to cushion my fall enough so I didn't break anything, but it still hurt like hell. After the initial shock, I managed to pick myself up and witness Naruto headbutt Gaara. A stinging pain became known on my forehead and I felt blood run down my face. I saw the toad and sand disappear and the boys fell to the ground. I struggled to make hand signs fast enough.

"Wind release: Air cushion!" I saw them slow in their descent, but I felt some ribs crack as they hit the ground. I struggled to stand, but managed, and made my way to them. I saw Naruto pulling himself along the ground by his chin. I tried to quicken my pace, causing me to stumble through the trees. I finally reached the path they were on. Naruto was very close to Gaara now. I could see his lips moving, barely, but couldn't understand his words.

"Gaara," I mumbled. They both tried to look at me. I reached out for the red head and took a step forward.

"Kuryah-san," Naruto whispered. I started falling forward, blackness starting to consume me.

"Don't touch Gaara," I managed to say as I hit the ground. I felt my fingers brush something soft and the last thing I saw was the color of blood. Soft blood....

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