Protect Me: Chapter 6: Chunin Exams part iii

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A/N: I've got my computer back!!!! Thoughts will now be in italics and any notes for you guys will be in bold! Just so you know, if you haven't read it on my profile, I don't own Naruto or any of the characters. I own Kuryah, Inazuma (you'll meet him this chapter) and anyone else I add. Also sorry for the very late update I struggled with this chapter.

Thanks for reading you guys!! :)


A couple days after the prelims, I was on my way to the closest hot springs village for a relaxing soak. I was really excited because I had never been to a hot springs before for obvious reasons. So I was on my way, in a bikini top and some shorts due to the heat, not caring if people could see my scars. I stopped caring a long time ago. As I neared the bathhouse, I head a familiar yelling. I walked around to see Naruto trying to stand on the boiling water outside the baths. He kept falling in and screaming about the hot water.

"WHAT IS THAT?!" he yelled just before he fell in again. His sensei and I looked to where he pointed and I saw two men sitting by the women's bath fence. Naruto's sensei ran at them yelling something about indecency, and they turned around. One summoned a frog which grabbed the sensei with its tongue and threw him against a stone bridge. Yea he was out. Naruto even tried Shoving his fingers up the guys butt, yet nothing happened.

"Don't make a ruckus. Don't wanna be found out," the one with the frog said. I growled at that. I threw an air kunai at him, but the other one stopped it. I blinked with surprise. Not even Itachi could spot them that quickly.

"And why don't you come out kid." I growled and stepped our. I saw Naruto tense up and back away while then two men were staring at me.

"Kuryah I didn't know you were going to be here," Naruto said quietly.

"I was going to go relax since I'm away from home, but I don't think I will now thanks to these two." Naruto must've seen the tinge of anger in my eyes because he turned to the men.

"Great you've made her mad. Even when she isn't mad she's scary." I used the sound from the water to moved quickly behind Naruto.

"What did you say?" I asked quietly. He jumped and looked at me.

"You're sc-scary, Kuryah." I blinked at his boldness, and then smiled a little.

"Thank you Naruto." He deadpanned and I looked at the men. I could now tell one was staring at my chest while the other looked at my scars. My scars always tingled when someone looked at them.

"So pretty," the one with white hair mumbled. I glared at him and he backed away. The one with brown hair smirked.

"Looks like you're scared too, Brother," he teased. My eyes widened. The Toad Sage had a brother?!

"Inazuma, you're not?" The one called Inazuma chuckled.

"Not one bit." I was suddenly in front of him, but his eyes didn't show shock. How come? "I can see you're movements," he whispered. I froze. No one saw Death coming. Who was this man?


"Naruto it was just his veins. It's totally fixable." They all looked at me, Inazuma the only one with awe in his eyes. "I'm going back home. Good luck with training Naruto. I can't wait to fight you." With that, I walked off. I wrapped my towel around my shoulders tightly. I didn't like the feeling Inazuma gave me.



I sat on the roof, looking at the moon. It was ending its cycle. After all these years, I finally found Kuryah, but she was different. Her bloodlust made demons shake. She wasn't the same girl who hugged me in the desert that day. What had happened to her? Was her family that horrible to her? Of course, I wasn't sure a family could be worse than mine, but maybe they were. Suddenly, I was her shadow pass on the roof in front of me. I stood and followed her. She was heading to the forest on the edge of the village. I was curious if she would show her jutsu again. She stopped in the middle of a clearing, and I hid behind a tree.

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