Protect Me: Chapter 13

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The screams and roars mixed together as my eyes started to blur. I put a hand to my head and looked at the ceiling. I was losing it faster than I thought I would. I looked over at Temari, who was looking down at Gaara with worry. I had emptied the hospital of ANBU, and now I was right in front of the person I wanted to save. But did I have the strength to do what needed to be done?

"You've really done a number on yourself this time." I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up into Itachi's eyes.

"Onii-chan," I whispered. I heard Temari pull out a kunei. I looked over at her and raised a hand. She gasped as her hand opened under my command and dropped the weapon.

"He means no harm to anyone, Temari. He is here to help me." She seemed to relax a little.

"It'd be better if he removed his headband and robe. Don't want anyone attacking him." She looked over at Gaara.

"I will do that, along with anything that labels me. It would also relax you, I think." Temari's cheeks turned pink and I released her hand from my control. She picked the weapon up and put it back in her pouch. I knelt next to the bed that Gaara was on and laid my head on his hand.

'Kuryah, what's going on? There is so much noise." I couldn't hold back a laugh.

"I'm just causing a little trouble is all. It'll be over soon, don't worry." I felt two hand land on my shoulders. I looked and saw Temari on my left and Itachi on my right. They smiled at me and I sat up at placed my hands on Gaara, one on his head and then other on his heart.

"Are you going to be ok?"

"I will be fine. Let's just get you better." I felt Itachi's hand squeeze my shoulder a little. He knew what was really going to happen. I took a deep breath and started channeling my chakra into the locks my jutsu had formed inside of Gaara. I felt myself pulling at Temari's and Itachi's too, for my chakra was almost gone. The locks weren't even budging. I felt myself start to sweat after only a couple minutes.

"What are you three doing in here?" I couldn't move, but I knew that voice. In memories long locked away, I had heard that voice. I turned my head slightly and saw a head of gray and a black robe. My vision started to blur more and go red, so I shut my eyes tight and turned back to my work, feeling my strength wane.

"Obaa-san," I barely heard Temari say. "Please don't stop us. She's releasing a jutsu Gaara got caught in." I could feel the sweat running down my neck, but I tried not to let my breath give away just how much I was struggling. Suddenly I felt hands on mine. Old and worn hands.

"I haven't seen this jutsu in a long time. Not since my granddaughter used it." I looked up to see faded purple hair in a bun and a thick, purple hairband. There were wrinkles across the forehead and the lips were cracked. I looked into eyes so dark brown they were almost black. There were aging spots above the right eyes and on the lower left cheek. The face was much older than the last time I had seen it, but I still knew it.

"You are my great grandmother," I whispered as I felt the locks open and I fainted.


I was in a dark room with a red glow at one end. I slowly stood up and walked towards the glow. There was a loud rumbling growl coming from next to me and the clashing of chains. I glanced that direction, but it was pitch black. I continued on towards the glow. When I reached it, I saw a hallway covered in blood. My brain was numb for some reason and I continued down the hall. The growling and clashing got louder and the hall got covered in more and more blood. I soon came to a room with a large cage with a creature of some sort inside.

"Ah, so I finally get to meet you Kuryah." The voice was deep and raspy, and black eyes lined in white appeared near the bars. I looked into them, and felt a burning in my body. A demonic laugh emitted from the creature. 

"You fool. Your body is now mine." Everything went dark, and there was a sharp pain in my head. I clutched it, and tried to open my eyes. My vision was very blurry, but I was back in the hospital. Everyone was just blurry shapes. I felt myself standing up and walking without my command. Everything started to glow red and orange, and I heard screams. I felt laughter come out my lips but it was no longer mine. I was no longer myself, and everyone was going to die.

This is what happens when I lose control, I guess, I thought to myself as my vision cleared. I wanted to scream as fire shot towards Gaara, but I couldn't. His sand shot up to protect him, and when the fire died down, it was like a mirror, and I saw what monster I had become. My body then ran away and disappeared from the Sand village for what would be a very long time.

A/N: Aaaaaand.... It's finished! A very abrupt end I know, but there will be a second one coming out soon. I already have a few ideas, so be on the lookout for it! Thank you so much for reading!

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