Protect Me: Chapter 3

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Pic is Kuryah now


6 years passed after Kuryah walked out of Gaara's house. She and her cousins never made it back to that forgotten mountain village. Her cousins were killed and Kuryah was taken. Their killers became her family, and they trained her. She grew and became a strong kunoichi. However her emotions suffered an immense burial. She became known as Death. Her dark hair and tan skin contrasted with her ice blue eyes. She was now a killer.

The night Kuryah left, Gaara was attacked by his uncle (a/n we all know that story so I won't go into it) and even though he cares about no one, he missed Kuryah. He worried for her. She was the first one who wasn't scared of him. Barely knowing her, he had fallen in love with her.  Kuryah had changed him a little and everywhere he fought, he looked for her. But after 6 years, he started losing hope.


It was a simple mission. Sneak in and steal a headband and application to the exams. Way too simple for me. I slipped by the guards in the dead of night. Even the full moon could not recognize my figure for more than a shadow. I quickly made my way along the dark back streets. Midnight was the time, and as I neared the Kazekage's building, I jumped to the roofs. I sensed it before I landed. I landed, just barely, and jumped back.

"What are you doing here?" The voice was much deeper and more emotionless than the last time I had heard it, but I knew it instantly. I looked up and recognized the red hair and panda eyes of Gaara. I stayed silent, knowing it would jeopardize the mission. I had to act dumb.

"Who are you? No one should be up at this hour." His eyes narrowed and I saw the sand shifting around me. Shit. I jumped right before it came at me and barely avoided it.

"You're fast, but not fast enough!" I could hear the blood lust in his voice. The sand rose up in a wave and came towards me 

I heard the sand moving as one and couldn't help but smirk. I ran around him and almost laughed as he majorly struggled to follow me. I got behind him and threw a kunai at him. Sand barely blocked but just a touch did the job. Right as I heard it hit, I did a hand sign, blowing the sand away and appeared right next to Gaara.

"Boo," I whispered as he turned around, shocked and fearful. As fast as sound, I punched his stomach and sent him flying across the village. I smirked and then quickly finished my mission.

"You're late," Sasori said when I met him outside the village.

"I was itching for a fight and found one," I muttered as I tied the headband around my neck. He growled and I kicked sand at him. "Oh stop it. I ended him." We started walking.

"Who was it?"

"Hmph," I smirked. " The one who fears nothing, other than Death."

"You killed him?!"

"Of course not!" I quickened my pace. "I just gave him his first taste of fear is all." We were silent the rest of the way back to base.


How had she done it? How come I was lying on the ground on the other side of the village? Why was she faster than my sand? Who was she?

'It doesn't matter,' I told myself. 'She dies the next time we meet.'

'No!' I clutched my head at the voice.

"But she was able to hurt me. She will kill us..." I heard a growl in the back of my mind.

'No. If you kill her, that power is lost.'

"Whatever you say," I muttered as I stood up. I still wanted to kill her.


I was sitting in my room filling out the exam for when all of the sudden...

"Kuryah-chan is back!" I dodged the hug and punched Tobi in the mask.

"Get out," I said emotionless. He hung his head.

"But Tobi is a good boy..."

"Out," I growled. He shivered and ran out. I sighed and put the form on my desk as my stomach growled. I'd forgotten to eat, again. I closed my eyes and let the echoes tell me who else was here. Sasori. Tobi. Itachi. Dedara. Kisame. Ok not that bad. I stuck my head out into the hall and shouted, "Ramen run! Want anything?" Everyone raised their hands. "Alright I'll be back!" I opened my eyes and grabbed my money. I was about to poof away when I remembered the headband around my neck. I shrugged and spoofed to the Leaf village, right outside the gate. I walked up to the guards.

"Hey, what are you here for?" one asked. I held my exam form which I had grabbed at the last second.

"I have an appointment to talk to the Hokage." They nodded and I walked to the Hokage's office. I slyly slipped by all the ninja on the first floor. I quietly walked up the stairs and stopped by the office door. I didn't hear talking, but I didn't knock. I closed my eyes, letting the sound of footsteps create an image. The Hokage was staring out the window, and there was a ninja with him. I sighed and knocked on the door. They both looked at the door in surprise.

"Come in." With eyes still closed, I walked in. I saw their expressions change to curiosity. "How can I help?" I opened my eyes.

"I have a question about the Chunin Exams," I said quietly. "The rest of my squad died in a mission, including my sensei, and I won't have another one in time. Am I able to take it alone?" I saw the Hokage get a thoughtful look.

"If you believe that much in yourself, yes. May I ask your name?"

"Kuryah," I said quietly, a small pang going through my heart, but my face showed no emotion.

"Well, I look forward to seeing you, Kuryah." I bowed.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama." I walked out and spoofed to Ichiraku Ramen Bar to order the food. I sat down next to a kif with blonde hair and dressed in orange.

"Hey, Kuryah. The usual?" the owner asked. I didn't know his name. I shook my head.

"No. I need 12 bowls of the usual to go." The size of the order didn't even phase him. I once ordered 48 to go.

"Alright, you should make some friends while you wait." I sighed and crossed my arms. I saw the kid next to me staring at me.

"You're a sand ninja?" he asked. I nodded curtly. "Cool! What's it like living in a desert?"

"Dry. Hot. Lonely." He blinked in surprise and I ignored him the rest of the time. Soon after, my order was ready. I paid and grabbed the bag and walked away quickly. I got just outside of the gates and pooffed back to my room. Hidan was sifting through my clothes.

"Hidan! Get out!" I growled. He smirked and walked out. I sighed and pulled out my ramen.

"Can Tobi take everyone their ramen for Kuryah-chan?" I glanced at my doorway and held out the bag. "Yay!!" He jumped around. He took the bad and ran out. I signed and sat on my bed. Seeing Gaara had shaken me. My walls were starting to crack. I yelled in frustration and punched the wall, shaking the entire building.

"I am Death. No one shakes me," I muttered, my expression going cold.

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