Protect Me: Chapter 11

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"What?! What do you mean the Kazekage is dead?!"

"That girl did what?"

"Gaara was beaten? How?"

"That girl looks scarier than Gaara. Is that possible?"

All these whispers I heard as I walked around the village. I should've gone back to the base, but I couldn't bring myself to eave Gaara while he recovered from my jutsu and his other injuries. A midst my thoughts, I wondered into a clothing store. I looked around, surprised at the colors all around me. The store was divided into a male half and a female half, and the colors got darker closer to the back wall. There was a group of girls right up front who were staring at me. I couldn't blame them, because I was wearing a set of Gaara's clothes, since my kimono needed to be washed. I ignored them and went straight to the black clothes. My attention was caught by a black and red dress. It was a red sleeveless dress with a black over coat sewn on the back. There were also strips of black cloth that criss-crossed the stomach area like a corset. I picked it up and held it in front of me. The red went down to the middles of my thighs while the black went down to the middle of my calves. The cuffs of the black sleeves were lined with red lace. I could feel myself smile as I searched my pockets for money. I pulled the little I had and counted it. Sadness washed over me. I didn't have enough to get it.

"I haven't seen you smile like that in a long time." I turned with a start to see a familiar face, even though he was in disguise.

"Nii-san, what are you doing here?" I whispered. His onyx eyes smiled at me as I looked at him.

"I came to check on you. You were pretty hurt." His eyes gazed at my currant outfit and narrowed slightly.

"My kimono was dirty," I simply said. He nodded and grabbed the dress from my hand.

"You have so little that isn't battle gear, so I'm buying this for you, along with matching ribbons, Imouto-san." I felt a warm, bubbly feeling form in my stomach and I hugged Itachi whilst tears escaped my eyes. I felt him chuckle and ruffle my hair. I pulled away and wiped my eyes with the white sash. He took my hand and walked around looking for ribbons. I could hear the girls laughing at me, but I didn't care. Itachi was taking care of me like he'd promised. My heart almost stopped when I saw him pick out a set of silver ribbons. I felt myself smile again and he ruffled my hair again.

"Thank you, Nii-san," I said as we walked out of the store.

"Of course." I heard the smile in his voice. "Don't stay away too much longer." Then I felt him leave. I walked back to Gaara's place with a spring in my step and a smile on my face. The people who were talking before were silent. I quickly retraced my path to a building close to the Kage building. I'd been in there a time before, but I'd been on Gaara's back and running or my life. This time, however, I stopped at the closed door and knocked softly a couple time. Temari opened the door and gave me a strange look. I was momentarily confused and then remembered I was smiling. I held up the bag with my dress in it.

"I got a new outfit," I said. Her eyes widened.

"Really?! I want to see!" She pulled me into the house and slammed the door shut. I was a little shocked by her behavior, but then realized that she was excited to have another girl around. She shoved me into a bathroom and closed the door. I laughed and quickly changed, knowing she wanted to see it fast. Afterwards, I gently pulled out the ribbons and looked at them.

"Temari, can you help me with my hair?" She opened the door and froze. I gave her a confused look. "Temari?"

"You look so pretty. You should have your hair down more."

"It gets in the way when I train." She sighed and then spotted the silver silk in my hands. Her eyes brightened and she grabbed a brush and some chips. She stood behind me, brushing my hair.

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