Protect Me: Chapter 5: Chunin Exams part ii

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It was early morning. About dawn. I was sitting on the roof above that girl's window, watching her, tempted to try and kill her. Shukaku held me back, however. My gaze traveled to the sky. The moon was only a crescent, which was strange since there was a full moon just the other night. But tonight, tonight was the exact same moon when I lost everything.

"Nngh... stop..." I jumped slightly and looked back at the girl. She was twisting up in her sheets. I moved closer to the edge to hear better.

"Auntie, please..." Her face twisted into fear at a nightmare and she began to sweat.

"No... Uncle leave him alone..." Leave who alone?

"Itachi, don't let them hurt Gaara!" She screamed and sat up, panting. I moved away from the window silently before she saw me. How did she say my name with so much care and concern?


I sat up in a cold sweat. What a horrible nightmare. Even worse than the ones I usually had of Hidan. I growled at the thought of that man. I hated him so much. More than my aunt, and that was saying a lot. I heard something move on the roof, bit dismissed it. There was nothing in this village I couldn't handle.

"Except Gaara," Kami's voice sounded in my head. I sighed but said nothing as I sat on the windowsill. It was warm for dawn, but that was ok. I was in a tank top and shorts, showing off the scars my normal outfit hid. The early morning light on them make my skin tingle.


I was standing in front of my gate, waiting for the second part if the exam. I could sense a number of animals in there. My pulse quickened with adrenaline. This would be fun.

'Forest of Death.... I like it,' I heard Gaara think. I ignored him and my gate opened. I cautiously walked through and the gate slammed behind me. I looked down the fence line and almost laughed. There were hidden scrolls scattered in the bushes. I quickly searched for a Heaven scroll. It wasn't that hard to find, so afterwards I started walking towards the tower. I was in no way trying to hide from another team. I was wound up, ready to spill blood.

"Ha ha, look what we have here." I turned and saw some rain ninja. Great. I hated them too.

"What kind of scroll do you have?" I asked, feigning interest. They chuckled.

"It doesn't matter. We're going to kill you." I narrowed my eyes as my bloodlust spiked. From their reactions, I knew they sensed it. Quick as lightning, I drew three kunei and threw them. As they dodged, I appeared behind the one who was talking. I wrapped an arm across his chest and placed my hand on his back, behind his heart.

"I can feel your fear," I whispered as we landed. His teammates landed near us. I took a deep breath and felt the heart beat. I did a hand sign with my left hand, the one that was in front of his heart. His heart sped up and he started screaming in pain. In a matter of seconds, I felt his heart explode. Blood dripped out of his mouth and onto my hand as his now lifeless body fell to the ground. I looked at the other two. I licked the crimson liquid off my fingers.

"What are you?!"

"I am Death!"


I heard screams of the dying, and not too far away. Shukaku pulled me towards them, and I couldn't refuse. Temari and Kunkuro didn't question it as I changed our course. I could feel a bloodlust stronger than mine. I followed it, almost suffocating when Shukaku told me to stop. I saw HER standing in a clearing, disposing of a team of rain shinobi by herself. The last one was screaming like his heart was going to explode. Suddenly, his body ripped apart and blood splatted everywhere. Dark, evil laughter rang throughout the clearing, and it shook my bones with fear.

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