Protect Me: Chapter 7

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Sorry for the long wait. computer hasn't been available. Anyways I should have two chapters posted today along with updates on some other stories.



"You stupid little bitch!" I heard Hidan yell as he walked, well, stormed, into my room. I didn't spare him a glance as I laid Inazuma on my bed, propping his head up. I carefully peeled his trench coat off and threw it aside along with my robe.

'How did this happen to my sensei? Not even I can hurt him like this yet,' I thought as I started assessing the wounds. I could faintly hear yelling behind me and then there was a hand on my shoulder. I swung a fist around, connecting with a face. I infused chakra with the vibrations in the air and sent him flying back into the stone wall of my room. I watched Hidan's form crumple to the ground to reveal a nice impression of him on the wall. I smirked, feeling satisfied. Well, until he stood up a couple seconds later. I turned back to my sensei and started taking layers of clothing off. I sensed movement behind me and turned in time to see Hidan's fist flying at my face.

Slow motion again.

I grabbed his hand and used his momentum to swing him around and out into the hall. I quickly closed the door and sealed it. Hidan was not happy. I could hear him shouting curses at me "in the name of Jashin."

"Leave the presence of Jashin's messenger!" Jashin shouted through me. There was silence on the other side of the door. I closed my eyes and a fuzzy image popped up from the residual sound waves. I saw Hidan, Itachi, and Tobi all staring at my door. Hidan then walked away and I opened my eyes and focused on Inazuma. I checked his pulse. Shit, it was racing.

"Kur-yah..." he mumbled.

"Shush. Stay awake though, teme." He chuckled and then winced. I finished removing the obscene amount of extra clothing and weapon pouches, so he was just in a white T-shirt and his boxers. I saw him look slightly embarrassed as I fetched my medical supplies and started cleaning the wounds. There were deep gashes in some pattern on his abdomen and legs. Burns that left his skin a blood-red color and seemed to glow were all over him as well.

There were no marks on his clothing though, I thought, slightly panicked. There was no way he had been fighting with no clothes. ....But what if he hadn't been in battle?

Wait... Where was he going before the exams? He'd said he was going to do research on... My family? Did he give a reason? Come on, Kuryah think!!

Eraba Reta. I froze when I touched bandages to Sensei's abdomen. My vision got blurry as those words were repeated over and over, almost like a chant. A searing pain wrapped around my stomach and back. I tried to react, but I was paralyzed. Tears poured down my face and suddenly I registered that I was screaming. I managed to see the wounds on Sensei fading as the pain spread around my body.

Then it was gone.

The sudden relief caused me to fall to the floor. My vision was going and I heard yelling and my door exploding. The last thing I saw was Itachi's face, Sharigan off, crying.


Short I know, but I'm starting to have to force some things onto the screen. I'll try to update as quickly as I can.

Vote/comment please

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